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Less Lethal Weapons - Swat 4

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So i installed swat 4 again the other day and im loving it. I remember Dean mentioning something about wanting to do less lethal, and i think he should look to Swat 4 as inspiration. 


Strait From swat some things i would like to see -


Stinger grenades


CS Gas (another use for gas mask aswell)


Rubber bullets (rifles)

Bean bag rounds (shotguns)


What im thinking is that these new military buildings in towns that iv dubbed police stations for now, would spawn this sort of gear. The only lethal thing they could spawn would be a pistol.


Some things alreaady exsist as arma 2 mods....





Gas grenade






Im not sure how to implement rubber/beanbag rounds. Maybe a reskinned existing ammo with a stupidly low damage rating but still the chance to bleed. Also dont know how they would do stinger grenades. Maybe like flashbangs, but instead of triggering the white screen could trigger unconcious for x seconds. Or Just restricted movement and blurry screen.


Also i thought it would be cool to introduce paintball guns. They could do no damage (though irl they can hurt like a bi**h). Say 5 hits and you start to limp for 10-20 secs. Also using the current blood effect on cloaths we could paint each other lol. Tag a bandit with red paint or shoot all your team members in the face so you look like something off Braveheart :D. But a hit to the face should blind you for a few seconds at least (maybe more).


Paintball guns could be used against zombies, hitting them in the face could make em start running round randomly for 30 seconds giving you time to escape.


Add the CS gas paintball rounds from swat and you have a great ranged way of incapacitating people :)

Edited by Karmaterror
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Rubber/Beanbag rounds could have a far chance of knocking the player unconscious, it would give hero players a way to safely disengage from combat without being killed ( or to preserve gear on bodies )

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Yeah i think less lethal appeals to me more because i like to play friendly. Id rather incap a bandit and disarm them, than kill. I hadn't thought of it as a way to preserve gear, that's a great idea though.

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