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Why fight?

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O.K. so I'll start by saying I am thoroughly annoyed with this whole concept. There is literally no reason for me to engage zombies ever. Especially out in a field or open area.

I can (as I am sure the majority of regular players can) kite zombies through cities like Cherno all day with out firing a single shot. Then should I wish to kill a few I run in doors and casually head shot them one by one with no risk.

However if I am out in a field etc. It is almost suicide to engage them, and even if you are successful and manage to not get hit and kill them all, all you have done is wasted ammo essentially.

I was out at a deer stand at night just happened to run into it and pulled a zombie. I started at just above 10k blood, he hit me once and then was killed. Then the next one came and hit me once and then was dead. Finally the third came hit me once, and thank you RNG knocked out for that very long duration. Well long story short I got to sit there and watch as a single zombie killed me with no way to fight back.

That being said, what is the point of even fighting them. There is no risk in running away except for really another player which is a risk you always have. Meanwhile if I stop and fight in an open area I am taking an incredible risk for no reason at all. There is far too much of an advantage to fighting in the big cities where all the better loot is anyways, than there is to hitting up small towns etc.

I guess what I don't understand is why is it so easy to hit up the best places but so much more of a hazard to hit small towns, or areas in open fields.

Also the knockdown feature for that duration? Really? Is that needed, if you have had any skirmishes odds are you will be close to 9k blood and then you have a chance to basically be killed by any 1 zombie? That doesn't seem right when if I am in a city I can walk in doors and execute 30 without any risk.

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IDK, Its nice to have choices in game. Fight them or not... Who cares.

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Why would you want to? Dead zombies offer nothing to you in terms of survival, and engaging them is dangerous. It's a waste of ammo for nothing. Avoid them at all costs.

This isn't a zombie shooting gallery.

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Why would you want to? Dead zombies offer nothing to you in terms of survival' date=' and engaging them is dangerous. It's a waste of ammo for nothing. Avoid them at all costs.

This isn't a zombie shooting gallery.


The point he's making is that in big cities you can kite 20-30 zeds towards an indoor area and finish them off

But in an open field even 2-4 zombies can ruin your day

That's when you decide to fight them in both scenarios

And I agree with it

Zeds are way too fast for outdoor fighting, you're better off running into a house where they are forced to walk slowly, then it's just a matter of headshots

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Why give us guns then? If it's not truly a viable option.

At some point you are going to have to shoot something, be it a person or a zombie. I would definitely say it's preferable to avoid zombies rather than shoot them, but sometimes you're left with little choice.

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It really is just a Zombie turkey shoot in cities, whereas in the open your only really option if forced to engage is run. Or risk getting knocked down and killed by 1 or 2 zombies. Or getting cut so you get to bleed for a while, or just as bad they break your leg since apparently we are dealing with spartan zombies who hit with baseball bats and have a crazy ability to snap your leg like a twig.

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O.K. so I'll start by saying I am thoroughly annoyed with this whole concept.

That says it all.

I think that is the whole idea of Rocket's "concept".

...but still people love it. Hunger for moooar... :heart:

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Why would you want to? Dead zombies offer nothing to you in terms of survival' date=' and engaging them is dangerous. It's a waste of ammo for nothing. Avoid them at all costs.

This isn't a zombie shooting gallery.


Oh well, maybe some military equipped zombies may carry useful weapons, I once found a Stanag mag in a helicopter pilot.

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Why would you want to? Dead zombies offer nothing to you in terms of survival' date=' and engaging them is dangerous. It's a waste of ammo for nothing. Avoid them at all costs.

This isn't a zombie shooting gallery.


Its a human shooting gallery, retard. Even if humans have nothing on them you still shoot them anyways for fear of being labeled a carebear.

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I just want to weigh in on speed.... I agree.... they are fucking fast but without the mental.... whats the word? Cognition? Understanding? Without the feeling of pain a zombie would be able to run at a superhuman speed.

There is science suggesting that human beings have the same unlockable strength as primates (With the same muscle structure) but our brains/mind/consciousness tells us otherwise. In extreme mental duress we can find human beings flipping trucks over or lifting weight's previously unliftable (Adrenaline output yes I know) I Digress, What im getting at is.... imagine how fast you could run if you didn't care about breaking ankles or twisting joints. If you weren't concerned about heart rate. If you didn't think about running out of breath and just full out sprinted. As for fields versus city? A herd of Bears would be scarier in a field as opposed to a city. A flock of rabid Kiwi's (Would it be a flock?) Would be scarier in a field.... A single Sniper.... would be scarier in a field. Any wide open space.... in most scenario's.... is more dangerous. Choke point's = Win. Not just in DayZ. Run from zombies through forests and run through tight pines/broken cars. Cause them to hit choke points and you can lose most if not all.

^ :dodgy: I make no sense sometimes.... or do I?

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I tend to avoid them no matter what. Players, Zeds, cows, anything. I prefer to lone wolf it through the forest and make raids towards small gas stations and such every now and again. But, it's not impossible to fight them in the open. Just shoot some knees and make a few of them crawlers and use headshots. But, the point of the game is survival, not just shooting everything you see. Fighting lowers your survival chances. Proves that fighting isn't always the best option.

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I understand, and I am in no way wanting it easier. My complaint is what is the point of not just running around in the big cities for the better supplies of loot. You can run around all day with zero zombie risk. Meanwhile the smaller towns that would logically be safer in theory due to lower population and less loot are actually harder since I can't run run through the majority of the buildings and lose them.

Also I agree it is not impossible to engage zombies in an open field however, the risk just isn't worth it. If I can get hit once by a single zombie (proper blood level of course) and he could kill me as a result. What is the point? Instead I find myself doing less and less shooting and more and more running because it has the same effect, probably better as there is only a chance people will have proper line of site to see them chasing me, but its a guarantee that if I fire my weapon and they are near by they KNOW someone is near.

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