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Roshi (DayZ)

Medical system for DayZ Part 1 – Self-treatment of wounds:

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I'm totally for these suggestions!


Because, this is what your character's life should be.

Imagine that you got shot in the leg and your bone is broken. I'm not an expert in surgery, but I have some suggestions regarding this.


First: Massive injuries need to heal over time.

-> I would suggest ingame days (rl weeks)


Second: If you suffered severe injuries or sickness and eventually recovered from it. There will be sideeffects from the treatment depending on the quality of the medical skill and assets.

-> The quality of the treatment decides if you recover completely or with disadvantages. You become more slow, get exhausted easier or such connected to the sickness.


Third: This is about why you should not just kill yourself, because you are desparate.

At first hand, it might sound illogical why you should carry on with a char that suffered buffs. Just climb up the nearest building and jump from the roof. Come back and pick up your precious gear. I know everyone knows this from the mod where your dead body stayed til server restart ...

-> Your character gains 'experience' with everything he does. Because of the more or less limited supply you just can't do the same thing again and again just to increase your skills.


A fourth suggestion is a little bit tricky:

I liked in DayZ Origins that the day night cycle wasn't 24/7 but like four hours a day. While 4hours=1day in my view seems a bit short six or eight hours might be appropriate.

-> So your character could heal a broken leg in, let's say 3 days.

The possitive side effect would be that one experiences at least a half day in game if he would play four to six hours.


Cheers and all beans to this thread :beans: :thumbsup:


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I don't see any advantage in this system over what we already have in-game. The only difference is that you are seeming to want the game to hand-hold you and tell you exactly what you need to be doing. Why not have the game automatically treat you as well if you have the required materials?

Sorry, I can't support this idea.

I think that you may have missed the point. This system rewards real world knowledge and there is no hand-holding that I can see. If the you are unstable e.g. bleeding) then time becomes an issue and you have to decide what to do with what kit that you have, in what order. This is not handed out to you. This system needs to be considered as a whole along with the second thread (treating others) although they are not comprehensive. Can you outline which parts of the system you feel constitute hand-holding and I'll try to elaborate as to why I disagree... Edited by Roshi

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I like some of the ideas here and it's definitely a concept which would be cool to see some more interaction around.

However, as soon as you are out of immediate combat danger one of the first things one would do is to put a bandage UNDER the clothes, not on top of them.

Additionally, I don't believe most people would be able to do anything useful at all after taking a hit of morphine, let alone fancy stuff like self-administered medical procedures.

Regarding the bandage under clothes - it's a good idea - I think you should perhaps have the option to do either - to stop bleeding while the shit is hitting the fan you just wrap something around the wound to provide compression so you can then sort out the situation. Later, when you are safe, you can remove the initial dressing, take off the clothing layers to get to skin and then clean, irrigate, debride, suture (or superglue) and re-bandage as required, and replace the clothing. If you bandage with a dirty rag, this may increase the chance of a wound infection and you may choose to use prophylactic antibiotics.

EDIT: Oh yeah I just realized that the images in Part 2 show wound treatment after clothing removal so there you go :)

I like the idea that you may need to replace bandages once or twice while a wound heals, if there is pus or continued wound seepage for example.

As for the hit of morphine, yeah sure that knocks you sideways. From what I've read, special forces in the US carry a "pill box" with a COX-2 specific NSAID (anti-inflammatory) and I think acetamenophen/paracetamol - neither have an effect on situational awareness and ability to act, and are additive in analgesic effects with opiates. The military are also working on nasal delivery fentanyl (a synthetic opioid) and ketamine (aka special K - an anaesthetic agent which is analgesic at low dose). They have 'painkillers' in game - I'm assuming that these represent non-opiate analgesia. These could be used when you need to keep your head clear, but be less effective than opioids for pain control.

I'd love to see some visual effects of morphine use - e.g. make the screen swim a bit, just as I'd like to see some good visual effects for pain and other extreme states (e.g. hypothermia, hyperthermia, hypoglycaemia). I'll probably write a shorter Part 3 to deal with implementation of pain (which I have been interested in the science behind and have been treating clinically for over a decade as a physical therapist).

Edited by Roshi

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I like some of the ideas here and it's definitely a concept which would be cool to see some more interaction around.  


However, as soon as you are out of immediate combat danger one of the first things one would do is to put a bandage UNDER the clothes, not on top of them.

Additionally, I don't believe most people would be able to do anything useful at all after taking a hit of morphine, let alone fancy stuff like self-administered medical procedures.


From the CLS manual posted by xRann (http://www.me.ngb.ar...tion_C_ALMS.pdf): 


"g. If the soldier has suffered an amputation or has serious bleeding from an
extremity, direct him to apply the Combat Application Tourniquet from his Improved First
Aid Kit (IFAK) over his uniform and above the wound."  (emphasis mine). 
I'm aware that this doesn't contradict your statement but this is what I was trying to get at - I was thinking of the bandage over the wound (rather than above) to stem bleeding but this sounds good.

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Maybe instead of finding new clothing you could use a bleach + water combination or something to clean the clothes. Sometimes you may need a sewing kit after to patch up holes or something.

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On 1/4/2014 at 9:08 AM, Roshi (DayZ) said:

Main point to remember is that wounds are shown in the inventory screen, and can be treated in the inventory screen by dragging items over to the wound, etc.

Excellent ideas. 

I had something like that in mind. I always thought that the inventory screen with the character appearing deserved further development.

There's a lot to be done with this system. It could be useful for the medical system and many other things besides. 


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