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Reset Character after re-logging or server restart bug

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Firstly I would like to acknowledge that I fully understand that this is a alpha version and that there are plenty of stuff to fix..... but......


When you have just spent a couple of hours collecting stuff and gear and suddenly loose everything and your character is reset after the server reboots OR if you go and join a buddy on another server is a rage fit waiting to happen..... 


If you die from another player shooting you...it's part of the game. If you die cause a Zombie mauled you...it's part of the game.... If you fall cause you are a clumsy idiot....it's part of the game..... but please please please.....fix this bullshit where your damn character resets!!! It's frustrating and to the point now where I want to uninstall the game, ask for my money back and never want to have anything else to do with it ever again. I am not the only person that feels this way. This has happened now 4 times to me, last time this very morning. 


You guys have a great game here and myself and most of my clan play this and support this, but seriously guys, fix the more serious bugs a.s.a.p! 


Cheers! :)



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The servers are being DDos'd, and it causes issues like that. Stay off the servers for now they're danger zones.

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