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log out (combat log) prevention suggestion

combat loggout prevention system  

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I have given a lot of thought on how to best handle combat logging, and what I have come up with was surprisingly simple. a 10 second timer. though to nullify a few pains it could cause it would have to have a ruleset.


1. to stop players from being mulled to death by a zombie they didn't see before logging out (or other danger) the timer does not stop any player functions, so they are still free to move and retaliate during this time period.


2. to stop players from taking a "pot shot" or otherwise attacking another player just prior to being logged out, the timer resets on player interaction (shooting, melee, anything else that devs want on this list)


3. to increase the likelihood of any violent action being completed prior to logging out, the timer resets for any instance that the player receives damage from other players/zombies (excluding DOT such as sickness, bleeding, hunger, and thirst)


4. in the chance that someone somehow found a way to exploit this as a way to benefit them or harass others, a maximum time of one minute can elapse before a player is forced out of the server regardless of items 3 and 4.


5. there is something to draw other players attention to the fact that you are logging out such as the sound of a flare being lit/burning and/or a particle effect on your player model. this way they are aware of your intentions if say for example you were about to be captured by a group of players.


this would cause little if any annoyance for regular character log outs, while restricting a players ability to log out during a bad situation such as a bad firefight or being forced to give blood or be handcuffed. as it stands right now a player submitting to being handcuffed and/or giving blood is entirely voluntary as at any point prior to being handcuffed they can simply log out to escape their aggressor. for this reason it is also nearly impossible to "steal" someone's stuff without killing them as again, they can simply log off the server to escape their aggressor. by adding a timer with this or a similar rule-set. you could actually increase the most intense player interactions of DayZ and make it possible to force a players submission by restricting one of the easiest methods of escape


I've played this game for 130 hours thus far and have immediately logged out on several occasions after hearing someone near that I couldn't obtain their location and on another instance after being shot at distance. this limits player interaction which is the real thrill of the game. so by adding this timer there will be more and longer player interactions in all forms thereby boosting player experience.

Edited by commanderbash

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I've played this game for 130 hours thus far and have immediately logged out on several occasions after hearing someone near that I couldn't obtain their location and on another instance after being shot at distance. this limits player interaction which is the real thrill of the game. so by adding this timer there will be more and longer player interactions in all forms thereby boosting player experience.

^ This part kind of.. I'm not even gonna.

On topic : As far as I know, As soon as your client stops sending data to the hive, your character despawns, So, Even things that just grey out the exit button, ALT + F4 makes them useless.

However, I'm still a BIG fan of, If you log out in combat, An AI copy of you stands there, And does nothing to defend him/herself. If it manages to survive the time it has to stand there, You get to keep your stuff, If it gets gunned down, or eaten, Your character data is deleted and you start fresh.

Edit : It would be kind of cool if the flare idea was implemented on the AI idea though..

Edited by Preach

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As far as I know, As soon as your client stops sending data to the hive, your character despawns, So, Even things that just grey out the exit button, ALT+F4 makes them useless


i'm suggesting this as the log out process, not just having the button greyed out until you can click it again. and yes I'm suggesting character persistence as well, so if you want to ALT+F4 your character will still stand around for that 10 seconds or so, just a lot more helpless then if you were controlling him yourself. other games have implemented similar systems with great success. in eve online when you log out your ship/character warps away, and if they are not able to, they stay in the game until they can, whether your playing or not.

the system is to restrict server logging as an escape option


and the hours and experiences are just to reflected that I've played for a bit and the options I founds easiest in certain scenarios options that I feel shouldn't be as readily available.

Edited by commanderbash

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lol you are saying you want to prevent combat logging but then at the end you say you've done it yourself! Anyways Rocket has already said that a system like this has already been created, they are just waiting to release it

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I enjoy logging out to fuck with people why are you attacking my gameplay?!?!?! It's pretty fucking hypocritical to say kos kiddies can grief new spawns regardless of how it might diminish the bandits ability to gloat or loot but I can't cause the same result in my way?

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I enjoy logging out to fuck with people why are you attacking my gameplay?!?!?! It's pretty fucking hypocritical to say kos kiddies can grief new spawns regardless of how it might diminish the bandits ability to gloat or loot but I can't cause the same result in my way?


Of course you can, but you will get exactly that rage that the griefers get. Why do you even complain? Combat loggers suck, griefers do too. End of story.

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i'm saying i've done it because it can be the easiest solution, that's different then saying i agree with it being the best option. and rocket may have a system in place that they're waiting to implement but without any information on it i'm offering my suggestion for a solution. And a system such as this can limit KOS mentality through the knowledge that a player can't immediately disappear if you try to hold them up. there are a lot of videos of the standalone online where players have been held up, but they do this of their own volition and (before being cuffed) are free to leave at any time. this takes the intensity out of the interaction. A smart player can just leave at their leisure. most, if not all, MMORPGs that feature loss through character death, have a system in place to limit someones ability to just disappear. and especially if handcuffing players and taking their belongings but not their life is something that rocket wants to encourage then giving the ability to trap players would be beneficial for that dynamic.

Edited by commanderbash

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