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When vehicles / cars are added.. Vehicle Damage Balance?


30 members have voted

  1. 1. How should players be able to take vehicles down?

    • By spraying a few bullets at the car until it dies, like in the mod.
    • By firing at vulnerablities at the car or vehicle- Such as shooting the player driving or another weak point.

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There was one problem with vehicles in the mod. Anyone could shoot down your vehicle in a few seconds with an assault rifle. This causes balance issues, and I'm pretty sure isn't realistic unless you hit specific parts.


There should be a few specific ways to take a vehicle out:

  1. Kill the Driver. The most obvious thing to do. Shoot the driver, once he's dead, he can't keep driving. Viola.
  2. Shoot out the tires. The car is going to slow down or halt. Makes it easier for you to do step 1 or catch up.
  3. Destroy the vehicle by firing at the engine or another spot which makes sense.

This also allows players to spend extra time protecting their vulnerabilities while driving by taking protective measures such as;

  1. Reinforcing the side windows and such with metal and other things to make it a tad harder for the attackers to shoot down the driver.
  2. Having extra tires onboard or reinforcing the tires to withstand more damage.
  3. Reinforcing spots on the vehicle that may be exploited to completely fuck up your vehicle.

Plus, there needs to be some things you can do in vehicles that make sense, as a person inside one;

  1. We should be able to duck down. This way, players who are riding in a vehicle can duck down and make themselves less exposed to gunfire.
  2. We should be able to jump out. If a passenger wants to get the fuck out of there, potentially saving his life but perhaps injuring him, he should be able to exit while the vehicle is moving, jumping out and hopefully landing somewhere soft. Perhaps, a player who jumps has a chance to break their legs?
  3. Passengers should be able to lean out of the vehicle or fire from the windows. This may seem silly, but its realistic. Passengers should also suffer accuracy losses as they are moving and are not in a position where its easy to aim.

What do you guys think?

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arma 3 has a better damage model now.

so i assume dayz has it too later

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Your suggestion about ducking doesn't really make sense unless the vehicle is heavily armored. Even a 9mm can easily penetrate a car door. I saw it in Top Gear :D

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Your suggestion about ducking doesn't really make sense unless the vehicle is heavily armored. Even a 9mm can easily penetrate a car door. I saw it in Top Gear :D

Still, it could be useful. What if you're getting shot at from the front? Ducking. From the side? Players may shoot at the windows, mainly. Ducking is still useful and since I can do it real life, I should be able to do it in game.

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I wanna shoot in the gas tank and see a big boom like in GTA 


Assuming this isn't a joke, bullets and gasoline don't work that way in real life. If we had tracer rounds then that would be a thing, but otherwise, no booms.

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Still, it could be useful. What if you're getting shot at from the front? Ducking. From the side? Players may shoot at the windows, mainly. Ducking is still useful and since I can do it real life, I should be able to do it in game.



Sure ducking sounds great. But I cant even switch a weapon or go prone without massive lag or doing like 10 other things I never told my character to do. Unless it's fluid and responsive (LIKE REAL LIFE DUH!) they might as not even bother with allowing players to duck.

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