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r3volution (DayZ)

SKS for DayZ?

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I searched and couldn't find a thread requesting this apart from it being buried somewhere in a general gun request thread. I thought if the moisin nagant is worth its own thread, the SKS should surely be worthy of the same honor.

The SKS would fit well as a semi automatic 10 shot having the noise levels of the AKM (one step below the Lee Enfield) and using the same ammo as the AKM. Have it be more accurate than the AKM but less accurate than the Lee Enfield, but still the same 1 hit kill to body that the AKM has. Now that the ammo system allows for splitting ammo you could combine 3 SKS mags to make an AK mag or divide one AK mag for 3 SKS mags.

Given this is an game set in the Eastern bloc it seems to make way more sense than having something like the M1 Garand in the game and the SKS would fill the same hole, though the cartridge isn't quite as powerful as the Garand it's way more plausible for the game's setting. I figure there should be no scope on the SKS since it's never been commonly produced with one, but it would give a good intermediate point between the assault rifles and the lee enfield.

What do you guys think?

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I had entirely forgotten about this gun, I think it would be a great addition.

Faster firing, more powerful and better accuracy than the winchester

But less common, lower mag capacity, and rarer ammo.


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Absolutely. What this mod needs is alot more soviet era weapons, less stanag.

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Most SKS rifles are magazine fed and thus can have magazines ranging from 5-100 rounds. Not saying the implementation should reflect this as far as balance is concerned though.

I think that the non combat rifle slot is already filled by the lee enfield though, and the DMR/MR14 exist as optic semi auto rifles. So there isn't really a glaring need to add another weapon into any of these slots, at this point in development you don't need duplicate weapons to fill the same roles.

I would like to see smaller caliber sporting rifles added before another large caliber rifle. Or a sporting carbine that uses pistol ammunition. Both of these weapon "roles/categories" represent some of the most common fire arms found in civilian possession.

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SKS fits the area more than the Lee Enfield. I support this based on that, and you can't have enough guns.

(Don't get me wrong, I love my Lee Enfield)

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Most SKS rifles are magazine fed and thus can have magazines ranging from 5-100 rounds. Not saying the implementation should reflect this as far as balance is concerned though.

Not sure were you getting this, most sks rifles have a internal non detachable 10 round magazine; Russian, Polish, Romanian, Yugoslavian, North Koren, Albanian, East German and some Chinese models. There are Chinese models which can use ak47 magazine ,so your kinda right. I hope they add both.

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Hey really glad to see that people feel like this is a worthy addition! :)

@AscendantWyvern I do think it should be only the same volume as the AKM after all it is the same ammunition type. So it should have similar volume.

As far as I know the SKS has in the vast majority of cases (which constitutes a huge majority of those produced and those present in Eastern Bloc countries) been made with the standard 10 round stripper clip magazine. This would make sense for DayZ. As far as I know some Norinco SKS variants were produced able to take an AK mag but that requires a different configuration to the standard. They are also unable to take a Drum magazine unless the stock is machined away. So in light of this I think the 10 round magazine is logical.

Stoked this seems to be such an uncontroversial suggestion actually, I'd really love it to show up in game and I would drop whatever high end boomstick I had in a second for an SKS. :D

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