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Sleeping Tobi

Well done new spawns

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First time seeing a group of 4 people at the NWAF and not at balota I normally stay clear of balota taken out 2 of them on my own. :3 Although they were very bad shots 1 guy at the fire station took 2 shots at me before I shot back. GG to these people WP. Also I got the reloading bug on one of the dead bodies that i killed it just kept reloading, I dunno what that was about.


Edit: liking the new spawns.

Edited by Sleeping Tobi

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4 people went north and you think the changed worked? lol

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4 people went north and you think the changed worked? lol



Does my thread say anything about it working? And looking at your other posts I think your a really negative person. I was just commenting on how I'm liking the new spawns because there are more people up there now and less people down at balota.

Edited by Sleeping Tobi

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So what you actually mean is you like the fact people are more dispersed on the map.


In that case I totally agree with you, last night I found people at Berezino, NE airfield, NW airfield, Zeleno base and Cherno. None at Balota for a change. Randomness is good.

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The spreading of players happens anyway later.

No tents, cars etc involved atm.


I'm not sure if I should love that.

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Since they switched to new spawns, we have exterminated 50+ people per run in our Medical Division.

Edited by Propulsion_Joe

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