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can this pc run dayz please help.

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Windows Version: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (build 2600)

Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.00GHz

Graphics Card: RADEON X600 (0x5B62)

Total RAM: 2.0 GB

can that run dayz

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Just taking a guess here buddy, but I think you can... you might need more ram and might have to turn down the settings, it wait to see what others have to say.

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Looking at those specs, and that gfx cards memory, I would imagine that even if it could run it, it would run like a dog. You're probably going to get framerates akin to a slideshow even at low resolutions even if you up the ram and get it playable through that bottleneck...

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Just taking a guess here buddy, but I think you can... you might need more ram and might have to turn down the settings, it wait to see what others have to say.

0k thanks i'll wait so wish me luck 

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Running the game and getting playable performance are two different things. You can probably run it on those specs, but don't expect decent frame rates.

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Most computers can run any game.. but not all can play them

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Sorry but I think the minimum is a dual core, P4 is single core right?

Don't think you'll be playing the SA on that thing with those stats.

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you can "run" the game but you will probably get less than 15 fps on lowest setting which will be totally unplayable


one cored CPU won't do much in DayZ, you would need at least 2, and it's recommended to have 4 


also 2gb ram isn't enough for such huge open world, 4gb is a minimum.

Edited by Gdaddy22

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Doesn't support shader model 3.0 so no, the game wouldn't even start. Not to mention that you would get 1-2fps in the wildernes with that P4 from 2002.

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And I can see a million idiots trying that... 


Well played Sir, well played!

You should see their twitter....

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