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totally unplayable as of right now due to freeze-lag

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Ever since the patch the game has been bad, today it's unplayable.


Example: you run for 10 minutes heading towards electro, FREEZE, you have to alt-f4. When you come back the game hasn't registered your position, so you're back to running towards electro for 10 minutes again.


The whole server 40 players is unplayable, tried switching to other servers same thing.


You can tell this is a widespread problem, because your charactor is still there even when you logout.

I saw over 20 people that looked like clones in the same position, they all freeze-lagged.


EDIT: as per request i've filed a bug report: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=5188

Edited by greenfish
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What are your system specs? I'm running just fine


i7 4930k

16GB 2400 RAM
gtx 780
Win7 pro x64

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Ever since the patch the game has been bad, today it's unplayable.


Example: you run for 10 minutes heading towards electro, FREEZE, you have to alt-f4. When you come back the game hasn't registered your position, so you're back to running towards electro for 10 minutes again.


The whole server 40 players is unplayable, tried switching to other servers same thing.


You can tell this is a widespread problem, because your charactor is still there even when you logout.

I saw over 20 people that looked like clones in the same position, they all freeze-lagged.


I get the exact same problem. I teleport back to my original position, the game freezes, I have to alt+f4 it, and when I come back, I'm at the starting position. At first I thought it was hackers, but it's the game.

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What are your system specs? I'm running just fine


i7 4930k

16GB 2400 RAM

gtx 780

Win7 pro x64





i5 3570k 5Ghz


radeon 7950 OC

Win 8.1






I get the exact same problem. I teleport back to my original position, the game freezes, I have to alt+f4 it, and when I come back, I'm at the starting position. At first I thought it was hackers, but it's the game.

Yeah same here, very annoying.

Also this opens up a door to abuse-glitch the game :/

Don't want to write how in here, but they need to fix this "hole" asap.

Edited by greenfish

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Yeah, this is what alpha is all about. Hopefully they get a hotfix by end of day

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Yeah since the last patch pre christmas i'm having it too and crazy desync issues which were never a problem for me before the last patch before christmas i can't play for 5 minutes now without sync problems or freezing, suuuucks.

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Hmm, haven't run into this issue so far and nothing really different since patch either. Game's overall quite smooth, running around 30-60FPS depending on where I am without any "freeze" of any kind. Have you tried different servers?


For info, I got a:

i5-2500k 3.3


Win 7 32bits

ATI HD5770 1GB

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Ditto. Check the feedback tracker for a ticket about this, and if there is nothing start a new one! Post the link here, I'll thumbs up it.

I would start one myself, but I'm at work atm.

Edited by Merrick362

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Ditto. Check the feedback tracker for a ticket about this, and if there is nothing start a new one! Post the link here, I'll thumbs up it.

I would start one myself, but I'm at work atm.


Filed a bug report here: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=5188




Hmm, haven't run into this issue so far and nothing really different since patch either. Game's overall quite smooth, running around 30-60FPS depending on where I am without any "freeze" of any kind. Have you tried different servers?


For info, I got a:

i5-2500k 3.3


Win 7 32bits

ATI HD5770 1GB

Yeah, we've tried a couple. Seems like this problem is far worse on servers that are near or full.
Edited by greenfish
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Yeah, we've tried a couple. Seems like this problem is far worse on servers that are near or full.



Alright cheers, I'll check it out on near full servers see if I get it as well.

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Don't forget to up vote the issue in the bug tracker. Add any notes you need to.



Thanks for the advice, let's hope more people vote so we can have it fixed soon

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Don't forget to up vote the issue in the bug tracker. Add any notes you need to.


Played for an hour or so on my usual server, was 35-40 players most of the time. No issue.

The server auto restarts every 4 hours though, might be why.


I'll give it another go later on.

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Well here is my PC specs. Nothing fancy, budget PC.


AMD A8-5600K APU with Radeon HD Graphics 3.6ghz/xBoost 4ghz Quad-Core
4gb DDR3 Corsair Vengeance LP 1600mhz
ATI Radeon 7750 1gb from MSI
HDD Seagate Baracuda 1tb

25-30 FPS in big towns(Chernogorsk-Elektrozavodsk)
50-60+ in Wilderness small towns, airfields.


The game runs in 1280x960(100%)



Video Memory: Auto

Texture Detail: Normal

Texture Filtering: Normal



Objects: Normal

Terrain: Very Low

Clouds: Disabled(so I can see at night)

Shadows: Disabled(more FPS)



Antialiasing: Disabled

Alpha to coverage: Disabled

Edge Smoothing:Disabled

HDR Quality: Very Low

Ambient Oclusion: Disabled

Postprocess Quality: Disabled


No Bloom and no Rotation Blur


And I also use custom launch parameters: -maxMem=4096 -maxVRAM=1023 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=4


I'm sure if the client will be optimized I could get more frames.



Edited by raynor009

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Design: Balancing of player spawns (ongoing) 
Server: Dead player cleanup (time based)
Design: M9130 Bayonet can now open cans
Server: Dedicated Server crash related to player skeleton
Server: Player location rubberbanding
Server: Large delay in item manipulation and "inventory tetris"
List to be fleshed out as update progresses.



The item I set in bold and underlined, I think this pretty much covers the freezing issue as well. These things are connected. It's a player location issue. Possibly caused by client desyncing from the hive. I've found the rubber banding or freezing usually happens after running extremely long periods possibly when there is heavy traffic from servers to hive. 

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Ever since the patch the game has been bad, today it's unplayable.


Example: you run for 10 minutes heading towards electro, FREEZE, you have to alt-f4. When you come back the game hasn't registered your position, so you're back to running towards electro for 10 minutes again.


The whole server 40 players is unplayable, tried switching to other servers same thing.


You can tell this is a widespread problem, because your charactor is still there even when you logout.

I saw over 20 people that looked like clones in the same position, they all freeze-lagged.


EDIT: as per request i've filed a bug report: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=5188



I get the exact same problem. I teleport back to my original position, the game freezes, I have to alt+f4 it, and when I come back, I'm at the starting position. At first I thought it was hackers, but it's the game.




Yeah same here, very annoying.

Also this opens up a door to abuse-glitch the game :/

Don't want to write how in here, but they need to fix this "hole" asap.




Yeah since the last patch pre christmas i'm having it too and crazy desync issues which were never a problem for me before the last patch before christmas i can't play for 5 minutes now without sync problems or freezing, suuuucks.



 Try interacting with your gear, swapping a few items around, having a drink or a quick feed every 4 or so minutes and you won't teleport back. Sounds the same as the teleport bug to me, It has been happening to a heap of us since  release... TELEPORT BUG..upvote that one as it is still the same issue.

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 Try interacting with your gear, swapping a few items around, having a drink or a quick feed every 4 or so minutes and you won't teleport back. Sounds the same as the teleport bug to me, It has been happening to a heap of us since  release... TELEPORT BUG..upvote that one as it is still the same issue.


Upvoting it now. Problem is still not solved in the latest patch.

Also what the hell is up with food?

We have to eat every 2 minutes now or die of starvation?

My whole screen gets white/grey after a few minutes even if I eat.

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