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Idea: Workers's Belt

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Greetings! While I explored the alpha version, I had an idea. The game has a lot of things that used by workers. As there are many tools, such as pliers, wrench, screwdrivers, hammers and other. So far it would be more convenient to carry them in a certain belt for workers, you know, with straps for the different instruments. I am sure that in the future it may be useful, because you have plans to craft and construction, such belts will mean people demand, plus they fit into the game, as Chernarus in many factories and ports, where they might be used.

The point is the same belt as a holster - you can embed it in only a list of items consisting of instruments.

Edited by Barugoo
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That would be a valuable item if the crafting system requires different tools for different items.

Maybe they will see this or think about it by the time they implement crafting/base building

Until then they wouldn't have much use though

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