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I'm brand new to DayZ and to prepare myself for this game I've watched multiple videos and read various tutorials on the basic controls, what to do and what not to do, etc. But those are only going to get me so far. I need to actually play the game, but whenever I spawn I have no idea where I am or where to go. So could someone show me the ropes and help me instead of killing me on sight like everyone I've met so far? I really want to enjoy this game. 

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first things first. www.dayzdb.com 


Goto the standalone map and always have it opened while you are playing.  


When you spawn look for signs in the closest town and refer to your map that you have opened in the background to figure out where you are.  The signs will be in Russian so make sure you are looking at the Russian wording on dayZdb, not the English translation.


After that the world is yours.  Its a sandbox game you can really do whatever you want..  loot houses, get food, drink and head north to less populated towns to acquire guns/ammo.. stay up north and shoot zombies to perfect your aim or come back along the coast and stalk players.


The last piece of advice i can give you is to always use the "ALT" key and be constantly looking around when you're running.  Oh, and dont run in a straight line.. EVER haha

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Here are my recommendations for you:

1. Use a Map- You can utilize the in-game steam social overlay to go in to the steam browser and pull up a map of chernarus. This is essential because it allows you to easily access the map and keep track of you location.

2. Use a Mic- While you'll obviously run in to some people who will kill you regardless, a lot of time the people you meet will be willing to trade and barter, and even accompany you on your journeys. Using a mic is really helpful for these situations because it allows you to actually communicate with the players instead of using the emotionless "wave" gesture.

3. Never pass up on food and soda- It's easy to be fooled into thinking that the only things that matters in DayZ are weapons, but potentially even more important is food and drink. If you encounter food or drink and you have room in your backpack/pocket, take it. You never know when you'll run out or be in dire need for them.

Welcome to DayZ, and I look forward to seeing you in Chernarus

Edited by Tizzle

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Don't walk up too people and tell them you're friendly.

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I'm brand new to DayZ and to prepare myself for this game I've watched multiple videos and read various tutorials on the basic controls, what to do and what not to do, etc. But those are only going to get me so far. I need to actually play the game, but whenever I spawn I have no idea where I am or where to go. So could someone show me the ropes and help me instead of killing me on sight like everyone I've met so far? I really want to enjoy this game. 


This is a basic walkthrough on how to get started in DayZ SA for new survivors.  There's a section on getting your bearing as well.



There are a number of techniques to get your bearings.  Clouds in-game travel from west to east.  Also, try finding a town nearby.  On the outskirts, you'll usually find roadsigns which will let you know what town you're in or near.


There's also a game map here:


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Thank you everyone. I'll be sure to use all of your advice and after awhile I should be able to function without any help.

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For a total newbie, I would recommend avoiding the big cities on the coast altogether.  Although they can be fun and exciting to explore, they are exceedingly dangerous.


Head inland, following roads or powerlines.  Loot every house on the way.  If you find a water pump, drink until you are told you are "full".


Your priority should be to find a pack to hold stuff and an ax for chopping zombies.


Avoid other players.


I'm not sure if there is an advantage to storing food in your pack rather than your belly.  You can overeat though and make yourself sick.


Use your mike to communicate with players.  


Other than that, just wander around and explore and try not to get killed.



My personal tips as soon as you start:

Put the battery in the flashlight to save space.

Take off your shirt and tear it into rags for bandaging.  Hot key them.

Edited by bfisher

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