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Poisoning food!?

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Ok guys I stumbled on this vid and that shit blew me away. Whenenver I find fresh fruit It feels like winning the lottery and to think someone gone through all the trouble to gather so many fresh fruit just to spike it. Now I will be left wondering if the food is out of place whether some asshole did something to it.

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It seems like you should be warned that your food smells funny if you inpsect it. Disinfectant stinks.


Maybe this will be added later.

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But does it actually poison you? I've sprayed disinfectant on cereal and canned food before and never got sick. Haven't tried on fruit though.

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People find more evil ways to cause harm to others, it's almost wondrous.

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People find more evil ways to cause harm to others, it's almost wondrous.

its the multifunctional aspects of the game that make it so original , anything that can be used for good can subsequently be used for evil . 

the individual dictates their actions & reactions , not the game . 


wonder if one dose is enough to kill you instantly , or get sick & then slowly die if left untreated by charcoal tabs . 

also if you do get sick might not be immediately apparent .


the can of beans was opened ! 

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its the multifunctional aspects of the game that make it so original , anything that can be used for good can subsequently be used for evil . 

the individual dictates their actions & reactions , not the game . 


wonder if one dose is enough to kill you instantly , or get sick & then slowly die if left untreated by charcoal tabs . 

also if you do get sick might not be immediately apparent .


the can of beans was opened ! 


Well I kinda thought that defib unit should cause harm to healthy players, so I guess there is evil in all of us!

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I demand that we should be able to use defib in combat! It's only natural.

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I demand that we should be able to use defib in combat! It's only natural.


I should be able to use a lot of things in combat, like a shirt I could strangle someone good with a shirt.

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Ok guys I stumbled on this vid and that shit blew me away. Whenenver I find fresh fruit It feels like winning the lottery and to think someone gone through all the trouble to gather so many fresh fruit just to spike it. Now I will be left wondering if the food is out of place whether some asshole did something to it.


Wow, I didyn't know you can do it.


I guess I dedicate myself now to resuply Solnichniy, Kamyshovo and Elektro with "fresh" food for all the newspawn bambis.

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Shame this was posted. Gotta find a new way to ruin people's day now.

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Come to think of it this makes a good prank. Next time my buddy asks me for food ill make sure to hand him over sprayed banana.

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