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RJ Macready

To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

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I also respect both sides of this rather black/white argument - BUT - at the end of the day it's Rocket's mod' date=' and regardless of how many people would be drawn in by different play style options - he has no obligation to pander to ANY demographic but his own.

He has openly stated that the mod is meant to be hardcore, and has no issues with alienating players.

Coming from a background of rogue likes and games like eve online, I relish the challenge posed by dayz - I can definitely understand people's issues with difficulty, but at the end of the day we have as much right to "demand" that "our" game has specific features, as the DF fan base has a right to demand a useable GUI from Toady.

E: don't get me wrong, suggestions and ideas are all good, it's the entitlement complex that a lot of this community seem to suffer from that gets under my skin.


You're right. He doesn't have to pander to others wishes but when you release an Alpha that means you're welcoming criticism from other players. Whether or not he takes that advice is completely up to him. That doesn't mean that people can't openly express their own wishes and complaints about the mod. If enough people give their opinions on a certain point that may help Rocket steer the mod in a certain direction which he previously wouldn't have done. Alienating your user base is fine if you weren't publicly releasing the mod to everyone. Why would he have a forum where you can post issues and suggestions if he doesn't give a fuck about the input?

Personally I'm floating in the middle of the hardcore scale. I don't want to be spoon fed the game and I also don't want it so difficult that it makes the game unplayable.

Entitlement complex has happened in every beta and alpha I've ever been in. It's sadly just something a dev has to deal with. I don't expect Rocket to take every single point of view and bit of criticism into consideration but I do expect if enough people voice their concerns he may look into the issue. :D

That being said.. People bitch too much and give too little feed back on issues and implementations. I can also understand how people would get fed up with reading the same whiny posts ery'day.

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The game is fine in it's mechanics / difficulty.

The only thing that will make this game "un-fun" :P - is the players themselves, spawn camp ing is one of those things that will turn this game into a no-play zone for many.

Whats the point of logging in if when you spawn on the beach you are shot from 1km away by someone with a sniper rifle hiding in the hills waiting for you to spawn. They don't even collect the meagre loot you spawn with, just killing for the sake of it, there to ruin others game experience. And it's becoming more and more common.

Fair enough if your wandering around the bush / towns and come across someone and your a "bandit", but deliberate spawn camping is such a lame act.

It's people who know that since you now spawn weponless / defenceless that they can just sit there with no fear of reprisal because you simply cannot fight back, you have to run around trying to "dodge" bullets and we all know how effective that is . . . . . .

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I agree this game is kinda difficult and i have not played for more than 24h total but the only problem i have right now really is just the movement pattern of the z's xD It's SO horrible if you have to save ammo. Anyways i am constantly challenged with the difficulty level of the game but i team up with players to soothe the pain xD

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