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[SUGGESTION] Ability to highlight multiple items and move them.

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Right now when you find a better back pack or want to switch something like pants you have to manually move everything in the current item. I suggest allowing player to create a box around the items they want to move and then drag that to the new item to speed up the process of item movement. To keep some realism when you do this it will take an algorithm like

1-2 items = .5s delay 5% chance of damage

5-6 items = 1.5s delay 10% chance of damage

7-8 items = 2s delay 15% chance of damage


And to further help balance this out doing this has a small chance of hurting the items that are being moved in quantaties and make it so the character is immobilized while the action is happening. This would give the ability of essentialy "dumping" items from 1 piece of clothing to the next which would simulate another real world action done in panic. Any suggestions on this idea or other ways of balancing this?

Edited by LeeFriendField

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There's actually a category to put this topic in; just for next time and welcome to the forums and happy new year  :) :http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/9-dayz-suggestions/


Just one question, why would more items you move  create  become damaged?


I have played a game called Project Zomboid and you were able to move as many items you wish as long as they were in your inventory, just some take longer to put in than others and there'd be no damage at all. Perhaps the more delicate items could be damaged in the process like NVG's, sunglasses, syringes, etc.

Edited by TIC321

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