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Renegade Corps has disbanded for the time being, with the intentions of reforming when our members and staff have more time to dedicate to the clan and game in total. We have disbanded for these reasons, with the interference of some of this communities best "troll" clans thought of to be more of a challenge and fun rather than a nuisance (especially the derpslim of NCR. It made our days) This being said, we will continue to play DayZ and hope that the community will see us back into our place in the community once we make our inevitable return! Goodluck in the Apocalypse gents!

Edited by Bandman
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Age: 15

Prefered Position: Assault/Sniper

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): Both 

Previous Clans (if applicable): SAGA, 1st MTN (formerly SAGA)

Time spent playing DayZ:  Welp....I've been playing at least 5 hours a day for the past year :P

Timezone: EST

Time able to be dedicated to clan:  As much as I'm on DayZ

Time spent playing ARMA II: 142 hours on Steam

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):  Providing a laugh

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone:Yes

Country: USA

Steam account name: ke5ykw

Military Background (if applicable):  My dad was in the Air Force for 20 years.  Don't know if this belongs here but my previous clan had 2 ex-army guys in it, so I'm used to some military tactics.

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps:  Looking for a good group to play with that uses military tactics but is not overly strict with how they play the game.  I like to have a good time playing DayZ, not get yelled at when I do one thing wrong.

Edited by ke5ykw

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30,000 VIEWS! I doubt this, someone must have very much liked our post as to have read it 30,000 times in the time it has been up...



EDIT: 120,000 views? Bot much?

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Age: 19

Prefered Position: Combat Medic

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): DayZ Mod


Time spent playing DayZ: Usually about 5 or more hours per day

Timezone: Us Eastern

Time able to be dedicated to clan: at least 5 hours per day

Time spent playing ARMA II: Havent played much

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Im a very patient player who can figure alot of strategies out. I take my time and get the job rite I never rush. I can adapt to anything. 

Acceptance of Clan rules: I accept

Working microphone: yes

Country: USA

Steam account name: codrex

Military Background (if applicable): Joining the Air Force :D

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I want to find new players who appreciate the game as much as I do. I want to roleplay on a server with good people who can help me learn how do play on DayZ Epoch. 

Edited by GrizzlyGaming

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Application: Unknown Overdose

Age: 16

Prefered Position: Assult

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): SA

Previous Clans (if applicable): None

Time spent playing DayZ: 9 hours so far

Timezone: Pacific USA

Time able to be dedicated to clan: Most of the day if im not at my dads

Time spent playing ARMA II: 67 hours

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Im ok at strategies, I dont cause problems, I follow every order

Acceptance of Clan rules:  I accept

Working microphone: Yes

Country: USA

Steam account name: Search SOKTassadarmaster, should come up as Unknown Overdose

Military Background (if applicable): None

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I want to join a clan for DayZ thats fun and serious when it needs to be

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Application: Unknown Overdose



APPLICATION ACCEPTED (regarding both applications)

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Application: Hemi



Prefered Position: Sniper

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): SA

Previous Clans (if applicable):

Time spent playing DayZ:3 days

Timezone: CST

Time able to be dedicated to clan:10+ hours a day

Time spent playing ARMA II: 0

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): pc repair

Acceptance of Clan rules: yes

Working microphone: yes

Country: USA

Steam account name: hemi316

Military Background (if applicable):

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: Im lkooking for a fun group of ppl to play DayZ SA with

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Application: Hemi




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Application: Gimli6543


Prefered Position: Assault/Support

What game are you applying for:SA

Previous Clans: None

Time Spent Playing Dayz: 3 and 1/2

Timezone: Eastern

Time able to dedicate: 2-3 hours a day

Time spent playing Arma 2: 33 hours

Special Qualities/skills: knowledge of history and past wars.

Acceptance of clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Yes

Country: USA

Steam Account Name: GIMLI6543

Military background: Grandfather flew for 22 years in the AirForce during Vietnam And Korea, Dad joined Airforce as a pilot Flew for 6 years, and uncle fought in the Gulf War.

Reason of joining: I would like to be with a group of people who knows how to be serious but also helpful with most things needed. Also i think it would be fun to join a group and play more Dayz.



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Application: Gimli6543



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Age: 16

Prefered Position: Assault/Support

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): DayZ Mod

Previous Clans (if applicable): UCR CG

Time spent playing DayZ: 1 1/2 years

Timezone: EST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: Weekdays 4 pm to 10 pm Winter Weekends most,  Summer almost none of Saturday all of Sunday

Time spent playing ARMA II: 2 years

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Video recording never sleeps

Acceptance of Clan rules: Accept

Working microphone: yes

Country: United States of America

Steam account name: (CG) oscottyo

Military Background (if applicable): none

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: merge

Edited by oscottyo

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Prefered Position: Assault

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): mod

Previous Clans (if applicable):UCR

Time spent playing DayZ:170 Hours


Time able to be dedicated to clan:3-10 weekdays weekends all day

Time spent playing ARMA II:170 hours lol

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):I can play guitar and I know a little bit about computers lol

Acceptance of Clan rules:Yes

Working microphone:yes


Steam account name:Dynex

Military Background (if applicable):Nope

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps. Merge

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Application: Abandonpuppy


Age: 22

Prefered Position: Sniper

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): Mod

Previous Clans (if applicable): UCR

Time spent playing DayZ: 1 Year

Timezone: EST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: Just weekends

Time spent playing ARMA II: 1 Year

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Website building

Acceptance of Clan rules:Yes

Working microphone: Yes

Country: America

Steam account name: Abandonpuppy

Military Background (if applicable): None

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I enjoy playing Dayz, but want to be successful. The best way I know how is to run with a solid clan. That is why i'm picking RC.

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Age: 16

Prefered Position: Assault/sniper 

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): DayZ 

Previous Clans (if applicable): None

Time spent playing DayZ: 2-3 hours a night

Timezone: EST

Time able to be dedicated to clan: 3-5 hours a night

Time spent playing ARMA II: 132 hours

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Can record/ edit videos using sony vegas/ AE

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Yes

Country: America

Steam account name: flipzy_y0

Military Background (if applicable): Every male in my family is/or was once was in. I will be going into the Army soon

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: Because i want to make new friends and im very easy to play with.

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Application: Abandonpuppy







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Application: lewis12321


Age:15 1/2

Prefered Position: Sniper

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): Dayz Standalone

Previous Clans (if applicable): STH v CTH

Time spent playing DayZ: 150 hours

Timezone: GMT

Time able to be dedicated to clan: 3 hours + a night when available

Time spent playing ARMA II: 50 hours + 150 DAYZ

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): Java

Acceptance of Clan rules: Yes

Working microphone: Yes

Country: England

Steam account name: m45t3r_36

Military Background (if applicable): None

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: It looks like you have a well structure, good understanding idea of what you need to be doing and how you want things done. I have enjoyed Dayz mod and am now moving over to standalone and am looking or a clan, yours looks great. I enjoys sniping and your clan offers that position so then I am interested in hopefully joining your clan.

Thank you

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Preferred Position I'm very much capable of doing any role but I was a pilot for a Military based Fallujah insurgent clan for the ACE mod for almost 2 years.

What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): Dayz Mod and Standalone

Previous Clans (if applicable):Many ACE clans that are no longer active

Time spent playing DayZ: Since June 2012

Timezone:Eastern UTC-5

Time able to be dedicated to clan:At least 3 hours a day, all weekends

Time spent playing ARMA II:3 years

Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.):None.

Acceptance of Clan rules:Yes

Working microphone:Yes

Country:United States

Steam account name:Jason3236(Jdawg)

Military Background (if applicable):None

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: To be involved in an organized, mature group of people and to be able to have fun and be mostly serious about Dayz

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Application: lewis12321







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Application: Grimsonn


Age: 29


Prefered Position: Not sure to be honest. I'm oldie newbie. Meaning I've played a bit of Dayz and Arma in the past but haven't for awhile until recently with friends.


What game are you applying for (DayZ Mod / SA): I've got both the mod and SA.


Previous Clans (if applicable): None


Time spent playing DayZ: About 6 hours in total.


Timezone: EST


Time able to be dedicated to clan: At least an hour a day. Probably more but it will depend as I start my next semester next Wednesday.


Time spent playing ARMA II: Maybe 2 hours


Special qualities/skills (ex, Photoediting, Videos, etc.): I've done a bit of YouTube videos in the past and I'm okay with Sony Vegas. Also decent with photoshop.


Acceptance of Clan rules: Of course


Working microphone: Yes.


Country: USA


Steam account name: Grimsonn


Military Background (if applicable): My father served for 14 years. I don't have any but have worked in security for years. Mostly as a Correctional Officer at a MCon facility.

Why do you wish to become a part of Renegade Corps: I want a structured group of people to play with and be around. Lately, as I just started to play again, I've forgotten a lot and anyone I've run into instantly kills me. Kind of boring when you don't have people to play with. I do have friends I play with on the Standalone version but they are hit and miss when they want to play.

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