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mosin or m4?

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hi i didnt find this anywhere on the forum, and as i am quite new to the game (only played 12 hours so far) and finally got some gear (m4 full backpack with food and ammo, balistic vest and helmet, and a revolver with no ammo) i am wondering which one of the 2 is better cuz i have found a few  mosins so far and ammo for them but didnt pick up the mosin cuz i have an m4 and dont know if the mosin is worth it.



gl hf



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Sniping and tons of patience= Mosin
Running and gunning= M4


Both are good, but it depends on what YOU want to do;)

Edited by StayAlive

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I personally like the mosin for a couple of reasons; It is more accurate at longer range. It takes less bullets to incapacitate. IMO it looks better/more fit to my character and finally I'm not the type of player that gets into a lot of "oh shit" moments against other players. I plan my routes, escapes, alternate escapes, and move in when the coast is clear. When a survivor comes into the town I post up with eyes on and neutralize the threat as necessary.

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I can't out of good conscience post an answer to your query because of your handle. How have you not been banned yet?

Edited by Benlandia

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The m4 is garbage at over ~200m in this game, but it has magazines and can be reloaded quickly (and its a bullet-hose). The mosin is good up to ~800m and is a 1 shot kill in the chest and head, but doesn't use magazines and can only hold 5 bullets at a time. In summary, the m4 is good CQB with fast reloading but the mosin is deadly at range and CQB but has slow reload and less clip capacity. It really boils down to personal preference. I personally use the mosin, and will probably not go back unless the m4 gets a buff to its accuracy.

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Mosin: more accurate, less use of ammo (usually one shot one kill), beautiful sound.

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I have a healthy relationship with her since ro1.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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My opinion is that on an emotional level the M4 is more "cool". It has many more attachments, different magazines, it looks the business etc. Against zombies it's more than sufficient.


In contrast the Mosin feels boring. It's a big old wooden bolt action rifle from years ago. The bayonet doesn't even work. But it's essentially a one-shot kill, and in a game where people can instantly despawn without penalty, you often only have one shot.


Ultimately I suspect that the weapon debate in the game will mirror the real-life debate over the future of military small arms. The game currently has two examples drawn from opposite ends of the spectrum. The M4 is a kind of super submachinegun that can keep the enemy's heads down at longer ranges; the Mosin-Nagant is in its element on the open steppe but not much use indoors. In a real-life zombie apocalypse you'd probably err on the side of stopping power - wounded zombies are going to keep coming at you - but you'd be vastly outnumbered, so a G3 or FAL would run out of ammo quickly. Realistically something like an MG42 would be ideal. An MG42 and a jeep.

Edited by AshleyP

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I can't out of good conscience post an answer to your query because of your handle. How have you not been banned yet?


don't hate its just a name, i dont mean it to be offensive or anything, its just a pokemon card :).

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