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Andarne (DayZ)

[Suggestion] Realistic Town Buildings

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Like a few of you, I have spent considerable time in the revamped towns and cities of Chernarus. Whilst the additions, renovations and overhauls are all excellent, there remains a lack of variety in our humble Russian abode.
That is why I present to you some minor additions, depending on the sizes of towns.


Small building, spawns low-tier medical loot like vitamins, painkillers and single-bandages. Does not stock blood bags or saline kits.
Provides an abundance of books, as well as writing implements to bolster community spirit!
Community Center

Contains mid-range residential loot, at the cost of having an abundance of zombies. I'd assume that the populace that survived the initial outbreak of the virus, would take shelter with other survivors.
Russian prisons are hardcore, and stocked full of inmates. We could have similar amounts of zombies, like the CC above, but have industrial/military loot to represent the prisoners/guards respectivley.
Automobile Dealer
The place to get your cars! While stocks last.
Post Office

See library.


As always, I welcome constructive criticism and improvements upon these ideas. I'd love to hear what you guys think.


Also, Happy New Year folks.

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Great ideas, would take awhile to implement others I thought of would be a gun store, more varieties in cafés, a police station, car mechanic, nursery, ice cream store

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Also a version of the Overlook Hotel up north (just been watching The Shining :o )

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A brothel... Zombies would be semi naked and with sexy lingerie... also loot would be sex toys and you could rent porn movies in the attached porn shop

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There should be a designer dedicated to building design and another for interior modelling, texture making.

For a post apocalyptic scene like Dayz is...the place is awfully tidy. I think in order for infected to get a staring role they must have them sweep up while no ones looking !

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