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Dayz mod or Dayz standalone?

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Hi, can you tell me the difference between dayz mod and dayz standalone please? Which one is better? I can't buy both.

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In my opinion, DayZ SA is way better than the mod, but really halfbaked. Please don't buy it, if you don't want to follow the developement.

And to figure out the difference... just search youtube :)

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The mod is a mod for ARMA2:Operation Arrowhead, during steam sales you can usually pick ARMA2:OA for about 12$, the mod features many weapons and vehicles mostly taken directly from ARMA2.

The standalone is a completly new game that currently goes for 30$, its price will increase in the future, at the moment it is a very early alpha of the game where there isn't a lot of content, there are no vehicles at all and only 4 weapons are currently in the game. The map has been redesigned and is much nicer although generally similar to the one found in the mod version, however, the mod version also has many different maps and mods created by players. The standalone is more in-depth in some aspects such as wilderness survival and medical systems.

Both are fun but generally I think I would stick to the mod for at least a few month, especially if you have no experience with DayZ at all. I've went back to playing the mod after playing the Standalone since its release, it's very different but for pure entertainment value the mod currently wins, this will probably not be the case in the future.

Edited by AmirDayz
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DayZ is still in development so in that respect it's not as fleshed out as the mod BUT even in its current state SA is superior in many ways and with the potential to be superior in almost every way. Off the top of my head, the inventory is a vast improvement which brings a lot of potential. If you are interested only in DayZ I would definitely get the standalone. I would get the mod (for now) if you are interested in Arma 2 (great game) and get SA when it is more polished as you will notice a big improvement on the mod. SA will most definitely end up being the superior of the 2 (and given it costs money I should hope so).

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DayZ mod has a bit more to do right now.  DayZ SA is just survival right now.  


However since you can only get one, I would get SA because within a year, I believe SA will be far more superior than the mod.

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I think i will get the standalone version, mainly because it's a new game, while the mod exists from years, and i'm not interested in playing arma 2. I know dayz standalone is full of bugs because it's an alpha, but i'm sure that i will have fun with my friends.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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