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In serious pain out of nowhere.

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Like the title says,

I was looting firestation at NW airfield with some friends, picking up a handgun clip.... BAM..... big red screen, guy bitching and moaning like crazy. No audible shots fired, no nothing.

Even after getting a saline bag my guy stills complains he's hurt. I have no visual indications whatsoever (no sickness, hunger, thirst, bleeding, infection,...) My friend told me he faintly heard my guy say something "blahblahblah...infected)

Shortly before this I recieve a hit from a Z, but suffered no bleeding or noticible injury.

Any idea's what this could be ? Or am I doomed ? =/


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Zombies can spread a dangerous virus. Either that or you had to much fattening food and had a heart attack.

Here's how to treat this:

Step 1: Get a gun and ammunition.

Step 2: put it in your hands.

Step 3: spin it around 180 degrees while still facing the same direction.

Step 4: pull the trigger.

Step 5: profit $$$$

Edited by ProGamerGov

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Your hit from that Zed probably scratched you and got infected? Im not sure if that is actually implemented yet, but take a painkiller and use an alcohol tincture to clean your wounds

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Is it possible that your friend injected you with a syringe of something without your knowledge?


(Re-read your post) Oh, right. Yeah it's probably a delayed reaction from your zombie scrape. If you can find some Tetracycline (antibiotic), that should also help. And a painkiller of course.

Edited by Ubernaut

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Is it possible that your friend injected you with a syringe of something without your knowledge?

Shhhh, never speak of those like me who slowly poison people to death... Or you will be next.

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Clean your wounds with alcohol, like it was said before.


Drink until you're full.

Eat until you're full.

Eat some vitamines, if you got some. 

Stop running around like a maniac.


Good luck :)

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Thx for the responses,

The next couple of hours are gonna be quite stressfull so it seems,

since i'm fresh out of meds.

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Back up and running thanks to  The Trusted Medics of the Wasteland.

Much appreciated !

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