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Explain something to a noob please...

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I've been playing the mod for about 3 weeks now. I just picked up stand alone and will be installing it tonight after work.


Can someone explain what "server hopping" is? I get what it is, (hopping from server to server), but I don't understand the "why"?

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Some people will go and loot the airfield for military loot.  Then they log off and HOP to another server so they can loot the airfield again.  

In the mod, as long as you don't die, you can do this over n over n over n over n blah blah blah blah...

Edited by twinturbonet
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Because loot is server side, different loot is spawned on each server, so lets say you are in a barracks on Server A, and you loot everything, you can log out, and log into Server B, but Server B has separate loot, so the barracks is now filled with more loot for the person who logged out.

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