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suffix (DayZ)

Need a Fix For fuzzy grass and trees White dots / artifacting on grass, foliage, and trees

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I have seen this in arma 2 oa with the update to 1.6 and it makes the game look like shit sorry but it does maybe its because I have a AMD video card but it happens when you put AA and alpha coverage on 

GPU AMD 7970

Edited by suffix
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Same problem here, although I'm running it on lowish medium settings until my new GPU arrives. I've just put up with it, but if there was a fix I would be interested.


I'm running a Radeon HD 6870 GPU at the moment if it makes any difference.

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See that every time I switch on any of the ATOC options.

The lowest AA setting does improve clarity at distance on my PC - AMD R9 290.

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Same faking shit problem r9 290x


It's a graphicsetting "Alpha to Coverage". Try changing that.

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I also saw this for the first time the other day when playing with graphics settings.



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