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MattC (DayZ)

Is dropped loot persistent?

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Hi All,


First post! :-)


Quick question,


Can i drop loot at a specific location? for example make a base, stockpile food and water, so if i die i can run back to that location and restock, i believe this was possible in the ARMAII DAYZ just wondering if its still in standalone?



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After the server restarts this gear will be lost. We will have to wait until craftable storage containers.

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Okay Thanks,


So if a server was on say a 2 day restart, the loot will persist on that server (only this server? or does it follow the player) until the restart?

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That's right. However, since loot and zombies currently only respawn upon server restart, I think it's mostly far lower than 2 days at the moment. I think 4 hours is a pretty common restart interval, but don't quote me on that. And it's only on this very server, it won't follow a player.

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