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Hey all! 


I was just wondering, my mate has just got Day Z and I am new also, we want to meet up on the game but cannot find each other as we don't know the map that well.


Is there any way to meet up with friends easily like joining the game as premades and spawning together?


Please reply!


Thanks Luke.

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Not yet, they said they may add this feature in future though. 


http://dayzdb.com/map  <dayz sa map


The sun seems to be in the south (for some silly reason lol)

Clouds go towards the east.


or find some town signs and work your way toward each other, can be difficult to meet up at first but you will get used to it after a while.


Have fun :)


Oh and welcome to Dayz :)

Edited by Jaygoon
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Find the nearest town and find either a railway station or a road sign with the name on and cross reference it here:



Then arrange a suitable meeting point here: (faster loading and more detailed map than previous poster :P - but the above map will be better once spawns are all added!)



Each of you work out whether you need the sea on your left or right then follow the coast - stay a few hundred meters inland unless you're on a completely empty server to avoid bandits.



*edit: about map differences

Edited by phlOgistOn
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Here's some navigational tips.

1.  If you are on the coast near the coastal highway note which side of that highway the railroad tracks are located.  If the railroad tracks are on the north side of the highway chances are you are east of the cities cherno and electro.  If the railroad tracks are on the south side of the highway then you are likely west of those two large cities.  If the railroad tracks are on the north side of the road and then swerve to the south side of the road then you are between cherno and electro. 

2.  You can read signs in game and use the dayzdb maps to reference the russian name to the english name.  The dayz database maps always have both the russian and english names on each town and city.  http://dayzdb.com/    CHERNARUS+ DAYZDB MAP  http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#5.054.059


3.  You can reference the dayz standalone map whilst in game using an auxillary screen,  A laptop,  or some other internet device.
Dayzdb standalone map = AWESOME...   Here it is:   http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#5.054.059

Wiki hi-res standalone map...  http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/8/8a/chernarusplus.jpg
Also reference this page for map information: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Chernarus


4.  Landmarks!!!  After you gain more experience in dayz you will find yourself looking at roadways,  hills, barns,  etc for guidance of where you are.  There are various landmarks that are much more obvious though such as the large spire that emits from green mountain that can be seen from miles away on a clear day. 


5.  Once you find yourself use the roads...  They matchup with the map perfectly and it's quite hard to lose your direction on a roadway...  Just make sure you are not directly running down the road people may find you an easy target.  Stay in the brush, hills, treeline near the road when following it. 


I hope these tips help you a little.  In dayz there aren't many times you will have the whole map + Compass so you can rely on tools out of game and your knowledge/experience to find your way it is quite easy once you get the hang of things.  =p  Welp enjoy and have fun.  If you can't manage to find your friend let me know maybe i can come in the game and lead ya to em. 

Edited by The_Magical_Fruit

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No problem good luck...  Did you find your m8?

Yes thanks, we met up in Cherno and ran forever, now I'm scared to play the game.

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I wouldn't use roads if there are popular cities or bases nearby... You're just asking to get picked off that way. (Its quite fun doing this to people.)

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I went to loot a hospital alone and just saw the silhouette of a sniper...

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