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Clan / Guild Recruiting Thread

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Hope this can get pinned.


Explain your guild or any info that may help people to choose your Guild / Clan


Language : English and French. 


Country : N/A for us.


Obsidian Fear  http://www.obsidianfear.com


Com : Teamspeak Required.


Age : 20+


Requirement : see on the guild site.


Goal : to have fun. 


Steam Group  http://steamcommunity.com/groups/obsidianfear


FB Group https://www.facebook.com/ObsFear

Edited by Geus
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Spamming the forums already are we.

Make one Recruitment Topic and stick with it.

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Spamming the forums already are we.

Make one Recruitment Topic and stick with it.

not relay i just reply to other player request. as you can see. i am not here to spam. and it would be polite to send me a private tell instead to flame me on public as a spammer  thanks

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not relay i just reply to other player request. as you can see. i am not here to spam. and it would be polite to send me a private tell instead to flame me on public as a spammer  thanks

You are quite right to a certain degree, the Forums will be restructured in the near future, until then applying the rules is problematic in the DayZ SA Forum section.

You have my apologies (or parts thereof).


Carry on.

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don't wait to long to join us.. i will close invite proby soon. my sever can carry so many.

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that post is not for people looking for a group ?  mine was more  Guild / clan looking for people  not  vice versa :)

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its going good 10 new people just today :)

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More and more people join  keep them comming

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Hope this can get pinned.


Explain your guild or any info that may help people to choose your Guild / Clan


Language : English and French. 


Country : N/A for us.


Obsidian Fear  http://www.obsidianfear.com


Com : Teamspeak Required.


Age : 20+


Requirement : see on the guild site.


Goal : to have fun. 


Steam Group  http://steamcommunity.com/groups/obsidianfear


FB Group https://www.facebook.com/ObsFear

happy new year

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Glad you joined us.  


We are still open for invite for mature players that don't want to be KOS :P  your looking for a fun group to group.... your ready t get involved in the community  well join us today

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We are closing Open invite This coming Sunday.

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Welcome to all the new member  remember last call on saunday

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This is great group of gamers to be involved with...I highly recommend checking 'em out!



Edited by Landers
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just submitted an application, hope i can be part of this community soon. much thanks!



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Hope this can get pinned.


Explain your guild or any info that may help people to choose your Guild / Clan


Language : English and French. 


Country : N/A for us.


Obsidian Fear  http://www.obsidianfear.com


Com : Teamspeak Required.


Age : 20+


Requirement : see on the guild site.


Goal : to have fun. 


Steam Group  http://steamcommunity.com/groups/obsidianfear


FB Group https://www.facebook.com/ObsFear

Last Day tomorrow on Open invite, 

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Hi if your looking for fun people and MATURE, you can look on the guild requirement, We have DayZ server ( for now )  Teamspeak 3  Web site.  Ect Ect


Visit the web site and look at the requirements  Http://www.obsidianfear.com


Note:  Tomorrow is the last day for Open invite, Age Requirement will be moved from 20 to 25 again 


See you in Game



salut si vous ete a la recherche dune guild avec des Personne Fun et mature,Visiter notre site web, et oui je suis Quebecois Calisse,, lol




Here a little Video about the guild.






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20-25 age requirement...and mature? I don't disagree with maturity at this age range, but 20-25? I guess those such as myself well above that age range are just out of luck. I have heard that at age 26 your personal FPS skills diminish rapidly...or you could be going for a Dayz Logan's run kinda thing...(but you wouldnt know about that only being in the age bracket of 20-25) :D :thumbsup:

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it will be the minimum 25 to join us  Duh "P

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