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The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

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hey guys what do you think about id tech 5? this engine looks a good fit for dayz. i say this with information taking from my ass but, really, is suits. the id engines work with big maps, megatextures and stuff. look a map from quakewars or brink, old idtech4 i know, but is like it was made for dayz.


Well this is now just my opinion and the most people probably don't like that: 


I don't want a Quake / Unreal Tournament / Counter Strike / Crisis / whatever engine, it's good when it's clunky, everything feels real, I like the actual game play it keeps a lot of kids away or at least after some weeks they will disappear to COD etc.


I can't believe there is a better engine for DayZ.


Everything feels to smooth, to fast etc. with the new engines.

Edited by TimM1983

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I think the performance I get playing is brilliant considering the engine doesn't do multiple cores very well and poor GPU utilization , and this is in alpha before any optimization has properly done, all AI is done on 1 core. Which i don't know about the GPU thing but all these problems have been addressed as upcoming features that are of high priority. And as such we have had confirmation that this issue is already being addressed and planned to be done fairly quickly.


So why is everyone being so critical and whiny about it despite this information being here on the forum. 

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Frustrum culling is a given in any engine, if you don't use it theres a good chance the game wont be playable.


Occlusion culling is even better for complex scenes and many games do use it, it isn't rare at all

Occlusion culling really depend of what you are doing, at certain point the occlusion code becomes slower than not running it if your game has a lot of objects.

Most popular method of occlusion by far is the use of a binary space partitioning tree of sorts but this method only really shine for tight urban/interior maps (this method date from the quake days)


The unreal engine used to be a mix of bsp and zone portals.


The real issue with open landscape like Arma's is that you can't really do any proper culling. Occlusion culling is useful for "not showing objects that are inside or behind a building, but that's not the real problem that arma has, far cry uses autobillboards to cut down on foliage rendering, if any, that's the feature i think would probably gove a performance boost to the RV engine. The most you would get from occlusion culling is removing what's behind hills but it's not as easy to code in as it sounds.


Then there is the disk streaming system that gives an "impression" of low fps when it's really cpu/disk related. We used to run arma OA on ramdrives or SSDs to overcome it, there isn't a whole lot that can be done in this regard, i believe they already moved the disk streaming on a separate thread so it wouldn't affect the main game loop so much.

There isn't a whole lot else that can be done to improve the map streaming tho, chernarus is a big map with a lot of assets, you can't just stuff it all in ram at once.


A very important thing to understand tho, when it comes to graphics, there is almost no difference in performances from one engine to another. There is hardly any "tricks" to render faster in DirectX/OpenGL, there are "bad" practices that might make framerate take a hit but it's more due to improper modeling or assets optimization. There isn't a whole lot that you can do "wrong" in DX/GL.


Also has anyone who has a poor framerate thought about moving their draw distance down to , lets say 1km? because that's as far as other games will ever render.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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What a disappointment. I came here looking for a screen shot of the new Recreational Vehicle and its terrible looking motor.

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So he should have sold his intellectual property to a developer that actually knows what they are doing. 

Really?! Have you seen the other survival MMO devs? Yeah, I'd rather have Rocket do his magic.

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...chernarus is a big map with a lot of assets, you can't just stuff it all in ram at once.


With enough RAM you can. 


This might not be actually relevant right now with most users having rigs with 4 - 8 GB RAM, but this will change radically in the next 2 years or so. Most enthusiasts already have 16 GB RAM or will have that or even more in their next upgrade cycle. With the engine in it's present state that won't help them. So imo when they finally start overhauling the old lady, making use of present and future hardware should be a top priority.

Sure, the next hardware upgrade cycle will definitely include a SSD, but RAM will always be faster even than the fastest SSD.

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So he should have sold his intellectual property to a developer that actually knows what they are doing. 

Like EA?  ;) 

Just shut it.

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Whilst there is no doubt that the RV engine has limitations, it's the engine that BIS know intimately and likely to give us the best version of the SA right now and in the near to medium future.

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