rossd001 1 Posted December 29, 2013 Im new to the mod and the standalone however Im not new to working on the development of games.. I have been poking around the forum for a few days and looking at the comments about KOS, spawn camping and an ultimate "END GAME" or at least something to do other than kill new players... One thing that really stood out to me is how would you make a life more valuable than loot.. Taking all of the above into consideration I was thinking about the idea of putting a CPU controlled area in the north where you can trade LIVE prisoners for money or loot.. I think this will work well in a number of ways. It will draw experienced players away from spawn sites.. You dont want to be walking a handcuffed prisoner the whole length of the map to get your reward. The experienced players will want to be in the North because they dont want to be at a disadvantage to the other experienced players making a load of money or getting a load of good kit from trades. Also they will have the opportunity to ambush or steal other players slaves. This will create a lot of fighting in the north close to the trade point but moving people away from the spawns in the south..As this would not be a one man job it will promote people working in teams. Maybe even create groups or clans of people working against the slave traders??It will give newcomers a chance to work there way up to the north because of the promise of better loot and more competition. Giving them a chance to develop at there own rate in the south and only move into the north when they have at least a few hours behind them and enough stuff to defend themselves.. However they have to live with the knowledge tha moving north will take them closer to the trade point and increase the risk of capture but also increase the reward if they survive..The advantage to the person being captured (I know it sounds odd but you need to make it worth your while or people will just quit) is that they wont be KOS for a start as they are worth more alive than dead.. You will have a chance to escape at some point maybe even capture the person who captured you and trade them in instead.. Maybe set traps, ambushes all sorts of possibilities to work in a team or a rival team... The players trading will not want to kill the captured or escaping as they will then be worthless so it will throw up a lot of interesting situations that will add to the overall game...Basically my idea is a way to make people worth more alive than dead... From a development point of view you already have handcuffs so all you really need is a way of immobilising players or slowing them down and a CPU controlled and managed area in the north where the trade would be made and that wont take massive amounts of time and programming?? If a player gets traded then they will re-spawn in the South minus weapons but they wont be killed and they will keep some of the things they have found like clothes etc.. Having to treak all the way back to the north is a reasonable punishment but one worth paying when the alternative is death or KOS?? The ultimate aim is to make life more valuable than loot and make people think before pulling the trigger because it will hurt them in the pocket just as much to kill someone as it would be to be killed.. If you dont want to take part in any of it you can still roam free but you would have to be aware of another threat other an zombies.. Just an idea... :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gantin 0 Posted December 29, 2013 My question though is that some people may not need gear or other items. So that leaves the question of why not kill him so I don't have to give him food and water. I like the idea but maybe make something the slave can do so, that they keep people alive because once a person has all the items they need they will just start kosing again. One idea to branch off this is you leave an axe or a handgun somewhere for the slave and then he goes into the major cities scavenging what he can find. That way you save some ammo and don't have to do the work and if he dies no feelings lost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 122 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) I got really sad when I read CPU controlled. There should be no human AI in the game, and I believe Rocked voiced that shared opinion somewhere in the past. Can't recall when/where though, so don't quote me on that. The answer to not getting KOS'd is not entering any dangerous areas. And if you really need to, scope it out first. Pick an area where hardly anyone ever comes, and stick with it. Like the small village at Rog's, or the small village north of Berezino. Check out the military loot when it's dark and less people are on. I only got shot at once playing that way, and that was my bad for running through the middle of an open field. Even if it was in the middle of nowhere. Edited December 29, 2013 by Ratiasu 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
101anavirn 36 Posted December 29, 2013 I don't know where to begin with how ridiculous this actually is...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fakeblood 2 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) Hahaha why not become human traffickers or pimp out are hostages while were at it! Edited December 29, 2013 by fakeblood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floj 393 Posted December 29, 2013 Chances of a human hostage staying logged in whilst you trek him upto a slave trader? What's really in it for him/her? xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted December 29, 2013 (edited) Money? Really? What good is money in this world? Sounds like someone's been watching too much PsiSyndicate. You realize that Flying Africans episode was all staged... right? Edited December 29, 2013 by SalamanderAnder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James MacDonald 14 Posted December 29, 2013 This is not going to work, ever.Who the fuck wants to spend 5-45 minutes depending on distance walking handcuffed as a slave? No one.Everyone would just do something to make them kill you, or simply stand still until they shoot you or leave you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigal123 14 Posted December 29, 2013 What people still dont understand, for a long time now is, Dayz is a sandbox, there will never be anything like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tremanarch 42 Posted December 29, 2013 the idea of putting a CPU controlled area in the north nope.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaginun 87 Posted December 29, 2013 Yeah, nice imagination but really this will not work at all. Firstly, anyone captured will either try to escape as soon as possible, like within 2 minutes, or just plain log off. No one will ever want to play being a slave for the sake of realism. Secondly, adding a whole new area of the map as well as NPC towns or traders is an entirely larger step, and it would be one of the largest features in the game. Thirdly, what use are slaves? Selling them to rich cannibals? I doubt anyone has a feudal society relying on serfs up and running yet. And finally, as people have mentioned, yes, currency. I could appriciate money if this was decades after this apocalypse, like Fallout, where there are survivors that agree to work together, but people in the Chenarus exclusion zone can't even work together, let alone set up a fiscal system, including counting inflation/deflation etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted December 29, 2013 I don't know where to begin with how ridiculous this actually is......i second that & most of the succeeding comments .i know it might be tough but you should pistol whip your self rossd001 for even thinking of this let alone posting it !if you require any assistance in your beating i own & operate a 5 lbs desert eagle & would be happy to assist you with your educational & comprehension handicap . otherwise dont think to much about it & have yourself a wonderful day ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rooniedoo 68 Posted December 29, 2013 TL;DR But judging from what I did read.No. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted December 30, 2013 I like the idea of a task to complete, but IMO i'd prefer to bring the military into the story officially as a group of unknown quantity that mainly kill survivors, but may use them for experimentation and pay survivors to be mercenaries for them. I think that fits more logically into that universe. They could certainly use them as slaves. I was thinking slavery was a little far fetched, but hell, in the name of freedom and capitalism, the rich even today are still allowed to set up businesses that basically funnel all the wealth to themselves and the workers working closely with the management and pay the lowest end as little as they can. It getting damn near slave wages, especially in the states where the minimum wages has never increased with inflation. Slave owners did have to spend some money on clothes, shelter and food for their slaves.... fucked up. They are taking advantage of a surplus of labor, who will all take a super low paying job because there are some in line who will take the job for even less and if you ever think low paid people are paid what they are worth, imagine if there was a law passed that you could never replace a worker, and someone else in the company had to take on those tasks if people started leaving. That shows you the real value right there. I digress... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites