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Chest holster...and bodyarmor

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chest holsters will be usable with a bodyarmor right? like the press vest and heavier kevlarvests right?,also anyone heard anything about combatknife/pistol leg holsters?

since the holster is less than useless atm since it only holds the pistol and nothing else so u endup loosing 4 slots compated to the 8slot vests

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well a modern holster usualy have atleast 1 spare mag slot usualy 2-3, and its just a strap holster so it should be able to go over any vest or jacket 

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well a modern holster usualy have atleast 1 spare mag slot usualy 2-3, and its just a strap holster so it should be able to go over any vest or jacket 

If you look at the holster, it is no modern holster. It's an old leather holster.


(though this one seems to be able to carry .45 ammo)

If I'm right, it can go over a jacket. As for putting it over a vest, it'd not so wise. It can get in the way of mag pouches.

Edited by hanahouhanah
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well a modern holster usualy have atleast 1 spare mag slot usualy 2-3, and its just a strap holster so it should be able to go over any vest or jacket 


Okay 1: Wrong. Most holsters, if they do hold a mag, only hold one extra. One. I have two pistol holsters and I can prove this. 2: Making the holster work over a vest or whatever would mean re-modelling it for those items so yeah... We're talking about a video game here, which requires development. Also as that guy said, it would restrict the use of your vest pouches.



Edited by SalamanderAnder
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Um, no. You can just slot a pistol in your vest. And seriously, what else do you expect a holster to hold, other than a pistol? That's like, the definition of a holster.

vest and body armor aren't the same thing, though, right? you carry your armor plate inside your plate carrier and your ammo and the rest of the stuff in your vest with pouches and pockets and shit.


of course there are plate carriers that have pockets or even weapon holsters attached to them, but I'd still prefer if DayZ had two separate pieces of equipment for carrying shit and for protection

Edited by Spockrock

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