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What exactly do ballistic helmets stop

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Does anyone know if the ballistic helmet stops 7.62 or 5.56? If so do you know if range, angle to target or any one of those factors affect it? I know the helmet stops .45acp and I also heard that the helmet protects your face as well. Is this true? Seems like complete horse to me.

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Nothing, absolutely nothing. Well I can tell you it won't stop 5.56 because a guy one shot me with a M4 and I was wearing ballistic helmet... I thought Dean wanted to get rid of one shot weapons and stuff =-S (Oh and once a guy one shot me with that little pistol) 

Edited by Popa611

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They stop both 5.56 and 7.52. it depends on the status of the helmet and the angle of impact, but it doesnt protect you from a shot to the face. The shot has to actually hit the helmet.

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They stop both 5.56 and 7.52. it depends on the status of the helmet and the angle of impact, but it doesnt protect you from a shot to the face. The shot has to actually hit the helmet.



This. Motorcycle helmets also protect you from some damage.. All gear in the game protects you from "SOME" damage. This (among other reasons) is why it's important to carry around "Pristine" gear, if at all possible.. It actually absorbs some damage and can mean the difference between life and death in extreme situations.

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When I was fully equipped, some Z's hit me twice because of a glitch.


My "healthy" status was gone, but I was fine after combat and didn't bleed. 

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When I was fully equipped, some Z's hit me twice because of a glitch.


My "healthy" status was gone, but I was fine after combat and didn't bleed. 


Your healthy status may have gone away because you got infected...

Edited by Etherimp

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Ballistic helmets stop you getting killed from glancing shots to the head. They stop BALLISTICS O.o (sometimes)

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They stop both 5.56 and 7.52. it depends on the status of the helmet and the angle of impact, but it doesnt protect you from a shot to the face. The shot has to actually hit the helmet.


Nopes. I saw someone test it. I will only stop 7.62 at long distances, 5.56 at shorter distances, and .45 ACP at close range.


It also only protects you if you are hit on your helmet. It does nothing if you are hit in the face.

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They stop glancing bullet blows.

They would never stop a front on bullet.

But they have the power to stop a bullet from going through the skull by pinging it off to the side.

If you ask me, what they need it helmets that look like modern tank turrets not WW2 Sherman turrets.

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well my friend had a pristine helmet and went afk in a tent, don't know why but he did. so after I was done looting I went to hide in a tree and wait for him. sometime I heard 1 shot close like somewhere in the area. i didn't investigate i just waited for him to come back and he said he was bleeding, the helmet went from pristine to ruined, and he was missing some gear. we figured that he was shot in the head, was unconscious to where he could get looted by a player, but was awake when he came back from afk. that helmet saved his life.

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If you ask me, what they need it helmets that look like modern tank turrets not WW2 Sherman turrets.




I want a helmet that looks like a helmet. The one in-game is pretty cool.

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They will not stop a 5.56 or a 7.62 direct hit. It has to be glancing. And the bigger the bullet the bigger the angle. It doesn't stop pistol bullets close range either. And even if you do survive it you still get damaged but you don't bleed. I knocked a dude unconscious with a long range fluke pistol headshot but he didn't bleed. First time I got to use handcuffs properly too lol.

7.62 can go through a cinder block wall and a steel military tower in this game and in real life. How is a helmet gonna stop it.

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Military Helmets are not designed to stop bullets. 9mm perhaps, at a glancing shot. The purouse of these helmets is to protect against grenade fragments.

I am talking about real life. Dont know actually how they work in the game.

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I didn't know how tough these helmets actually were... WOW


Although i must say the mere force of the bullet hitting your helmet is enough to kill you..



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Thanks for the replies. Combat logging is back with a vengeance so I have to know which facial feature to engage so as not to give them the chance to log.

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Nothing, absolutely nothing. Well I can tell you it won't stop 5.56 because a guy one shot me with a M4 and I was wearing ballistic helmet... I thought Dean wanted to get rid of one shot weapons and stuff =-S (Oh and once a guy one shot me with that little pistol) 

that little pistol is .45 cal

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I didn't know how tough these helmets actually were... WOW


Although i must say the mere force of the bullet hitting your helmet is enough to kill you..




Hello there


Not the most scientific of tests as after the first damage the integrity is compromised. Interesting vid though.


I have a UK Infantry helmet here and would not trust it to do more than repel spall/rubble debris TBH, But real life is different to in game.


In game IMHO it should absorb damage from any headshot.





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Hello there


Not the most scientific of tests as after the first damage the integrity is compromised. Interesting vid though.


I have a UK Infantry helmet here and would not trust it to do more than repel spall/rubble debris TBH, But real life is different to in game.


In game IMHO it should absorb damage from any headshot.






Interesting, honesty i thought the 9mm was going to go straight through at that range..

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Nothing, absolutely nothing. Well I can tell you it won't stop 5.56 because a guy one shot me with a M4 and I was wearing ballistic helmet... I thought Dean wanted to get rid of one shot weapons and stuff =-S (Oh and once a guy one shot me with that little pistol) 

If you thought he would remove 1 shot kills in a game that strives for realism and authenticity then you are retarded. Chances are you got shot in the face or the helmet you had was ruined and therefore didn't actually stop the bullet as the ballistic helmets can stop a 762 round from 1 shotting in the head.

Edited by RaxUK

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I didn't know how tough these helmets actually were... WOW


Although i must say the mere force of the bullet hitting your helmet is enough to kill you..





What's interesting to me is that while there was no "penetration", it's quite clear that if you get shot in the back of the head with a .45, the coroner is going to be digging your helmet out of where your brain used to be.

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What's interesting to me is that while there was no "penetration", it's quite clear that if you get shot in the back of the head with a .45, the coroner is going to be digging your helmet out of where your brain used to be.


Hence leading to some discomfort  within the cognitive side of things ;)

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A Ballistics helmet will stop/reduce damage from glancing blows. Not a 5.56 or a 7.62 straight in the head.

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Usually designed to the same NIJ Level 3 spec as soft armour panels : stops 9MM NATO Ball at point blank range and a range of different shrapnel fragments.

Lots of accounts from Iraq and Afghanistan of US ACH/MICH/LWH and UK Mk7 deflecting/stopping 7.62 x 39 Soviet rounds fired from several hundred metres away.

Direct hits at closer ranges are likely to cause severe head injuries due to back face deformation of the helmet's shell or severe neck injuries due to the impact forces involved.

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