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What is up with the pros killing the noobie

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Man its piss me off when u r a noobie at the game - then some pro player kill u just as u just spawn into a new game - dont these players realized that this game need a bigger player base - this is the quickest way to kill off a game - i seen it happened too many time to other good game. I realized its a pvp game but u need a bigger base of players to grow the game.




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Simple 2 words... "Target Practice" ;)



Edited by Aussie Bogan

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They are not pros... They just got a weapon faster than everybody else.

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Need a tissue??? I have plenty ;)

and we all know what YOU would use them for... ;)

Edited by Beck
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and we all know what YOU would use them for...


Wiping the blood of my axe after i'm done with my victims ^^



Edited by Aussie Bogan
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Find friends*, be friendly to the other noobs, eventually rise up in revolution and overthrow the geared players.


This does appear to be a former soviet state.

It could happen.




*Frankly I'm up to play with you XD, the game is tense as hell playing alone. Feel free to message me.

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Man its piss me off when u r a noobie at the game - then some pro player kill u just as u just spawn into a new game - dont these players realized that this game need a bigger player base - this is the quickest way to kill off a game - i seen it happened too many time to other good game. I realized its a pvp game but u need a bigger base of players to grow the game.




I heard that when DayZ mod came out, yet it didn't die  ^_^

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They are absolutely no pros, if they just mess around the coast and can be feared by barely armed people :D


Two words: Proper Positioning

You don't have to shoot like a pro, if you're at the right places in the right moment and just shoot their backs. 

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They aren't pros, pros may try to help you out.

Anybody wanting to shoot unarmed players only does so because all the armed players are too much trouble for him.

In other words people targeting, people targeting unarmed players are bad.

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Find friends*, be friendly to the other noobs, eventually rise up in revolution and overthrow the geared players.


This does appear to be a former soviet state.

It could happen.




*Frankly I'm up to play with you XD, the game is tense as hell playing alone. Feel free to message me.


Okay... on the next spawn, I will deliver a braveheart-style speech in front of 30 newspawns with axes, before we all sprint to the Balota - Airstrip and overun the bambihunters! 


Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

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Well, it is part of the whole, survival part of the game. The survival of the fitest if you will.

If you see geared players run for your life or hide. This game IS a pvp game as much as it is a pve. Another thing, it adds to the realism. I mean think about it, if you were stuck in a zombie appocalypse in soviet russia, I don't think you would be that trusting either.


Last thing, there has been so many instances where new coastys knockout the geared guys and loot all their stuff. Geared dudes have way more to lose than non gear people, so it puts them on edge. Any little reason to shoot you, he will.

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Man its piss me off when u r a noobie at the game - then some pro player kill u just as u just spawn into a new game - dont these players realized that this game need a bigger player base - this is the quickest way to kill off a game - i seen it happened too many time to other good game. I realized its a pvp game but u need a bigger base of players to grow the game.




When approaching another player, especially one who has threatened to kill you before, make sure to stand still when you talk to him. Always stand still in the open. When he asks you if you've got any ammo for his M4, just say that you've got a full ammo box. This will make him want to become friends with you.


I hope this helps.


Oh, and also just ignore the "I'm sick, hungry or thirsty" thing. They don't matter at all. Your character is just a bitch abut it.

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Oh, and also just ignore the "I'm sick, hungry or thirsty" thing. They don't matter at all. Your character is just a bitch abut it.


Uhhhm, no?!

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When approaching another player, especially one who has threatened to kill you before, make sure to stand still when you talk to him. Always stand still in the open. When he asks you if you've got any ammo for his M4, just say that you've got a full ammo box. This will make him want to become friends with you.


I hope this helps.


Oh, and also just ignore the "I'm sick, hungry or thirsty" thing. They don't matter at all. Your character is just a bitch abut it.

You can actually die within a hour by ignoring this since your spawn.

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You can actually die within a hour by ignoring this since your spawn.

Yes, your player actually spawns starving.

Or on the brink.

Water is easy enough, find a well/ pond and just fill you tummy.

Food is more difficult.

Pick up a piece of rotten fruit if you must, but don't take it until you absolutely have to.

People see it and go, this all? Nom nom nom, dead by food poisoning.

You can open cans of tuna without any bladed thing.

Cans can be opened by most knives and even splitting axes.

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Belive it or not, There is a lot of experainced players who help the noobies out. Usually in ways that the noobie didnt even realised it happened. Yeah theres bandits on the coast and a lot of them too. But theres also thoes players who exclusivly hunt bandits and theres a lot of them too. On many occsasions have i shot someone who was trying to kill and unarmed player. However the unarmed player never knows the differnce. From there point of view its "Ahhh im being shot. Ohh someone else is shooting now just keep running" hehe

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all I do is learn to snipe from 800m distance ;x

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learning how to handle player interactions without the KOS mentality is more fun imo Edited by Zanith
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learning how to handle player interactions without the KOS mentality is more fun imo



Edited by skazito

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trust me, 90% of those kos'ing are far from pro.

they got a rifle before you did, thats all. 

the real pros are up north, complaining about winter coming......

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Fully agree. The real pros are out playing the game. They don't have anything to prove.

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