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New aussie player looking for group!

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G'Day gents...


Been playing DayZ SA for a week now and I really love it how ever the constant dieing to kid bandits that think this is COD is really starting to piss me off so ive decided not to log in till I know I can team up with some people to increase my chances of survival. I finally have some good loot as well. Im Australian is if there is any Aussie groups please let me know!! I also want to team up so it will make my YouTube videos of DayZ SA more interesting :)



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hey man, Borgans thread is great,

If you are looking for a clan to join I am in an Awesome one that is recruiting called AOD

We have a ventrillio server, help out fellow clan mates as much as we can, and there is usually a group or two on at a time each with several people

Feel free to add me on Steam, ID is AOD_Samiam_Jr 

you can visit and even join AOD at ClanAOD.net

Edited by Samiam_Jr

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If you're still looking for a group, Send me a PM and I'll give you our TS details.

There's around 8-10 of us on daily, Plus a few more ring ins, And we're mostly aussie.

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