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Ideas for solving battle logging?

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I hate to say this has been addressed only about a gajillion times but it has.  Rocket actually addressed this before the Alpha was released and said combat logging would be addressed with logout timers and damage cooldown, i.e. there's a cooldown timer before logging after taking damage within a certain length of time, whether you logout, alf-f4 or dc.  So it's an issue Rocket is fully aware of and has a plan to deal with.


For those who think that the game should discern between alt-f4'ing and dc'ing...why should it?  If you dc in the middle of a fight, you should expect to die...in pretty much any online game.


Since the Alpha was just released many features have yet to be implemented though.  Although, of all the game Alphas I've played despite the issues it has this has got to be the most buttpain-free Alpha I've played in like...ever.


I'm new here so that's my excuse ..

I'm gonna shut up about this now then ;)

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That's my suggestions and thoughts on the topic anyway.


If there is no required log-out timer people are going to abuse it all day long.

People will just log out before a potential confrontation before combat has even started.

And this will in turn increase KoS, because people are just gonna shoot first instead of giving people a chance to do that.


And your suggestions also have a lot overly complicated ifs and buts, which is not a good idea when the devs are trying to keep the strain on the server as low as possible.


I'm sorry, but if your internet fails, your computer dies or for whatever other reason you really really need to go, then better hope nobody was shooting at you at the time.

Edited by vile.
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I'm new here so that's my excuse ..

I'm gonna shut up about this now then ;)


Well, it's all good it's just that it's hard to set expectations and priorities this early in the development cycle from a player perspective.  A lot of behind the scenes and under the hood type stuff is going on in the development process.  Now, if DayZ gets to beta and combat logging still hasn't been fixed (which is simple) then yeah, I'll complain right along with you...to a reasonable extent.

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If there is no required log-out timer people are going to abuse it all day long.

People will just log out before a potential confrontation before combat has even started.

And this will in turn increase KoS, because people are just gonna shoot first instead of giving people a chance to do that.


And your suggestions also have a lot overly complicated ifs and buts, which is not a good idea when the devs are trying to keep the strain on the server as low as possible.


I'm sorry, but if your internet fails, your computer dies or for whatever other reason you really really need to go, then better hope nobody was shooting at you at the time.

There is actually not a lot of processing involved in any of this, a few if statements per player run every few seconds is not going to put a strain on a server.


As for everything else, if they want to just keep it simple, in my opinion there should be a constant "30 second" timer for everyone who logs off, at any time, and during that time they remain ingame, no matter how they logged out or the situation, but at the same time, they would need to still prevent joining another server during that time to prevent duplication and other issues.


I guess I should have just stuck to the KISS rule, my bad :P Regardless, I don't see any way to exploit this ^

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Why making something this convoluted, just make it so you cannot log out instantly in ANY situations.


30 minutes :)

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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I'd like to see;


Log out timer with unique animation and if logged out incorrectly character stays in game for a period of time

Server lockout period if you log out of a server, enter another, then attempt to return to the original

Track players logging out because of seeing or hearing another player or zombie and punish them after a certain amount.

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Hey guys! After I get enough people to take a look through what we have come up with. I will put up a collective post describing the things we want to see for DayZ in the "Suggestions" thread. For now though, let's keep brain storming! :D





I see a bunch of threads about battle logging being made, but instead of complaining about it over and over again, I think I would bring up something that I have not read yet! We all know Rocket is taking a look into battle logging, as seen here: http://forums.dayzga...n-known-issues/


He basically says that they have their own fix for this, but it didn't work as planned and they need to refine it. So, I would first like to say let's chill with multiple threads for the same thing. You might then be thinking "Well why is this thread open then?", well let me tell ya'!




My Concerns/ideas (Note: Below is subject to change, if you disagree, tell me why!):


  • I would like when the esc button (Or if this is remappable, the "Menu" button) is pressed, that what ever "Gesture" you are currently in, be deactivated and you stand in your normal standing position. This would prevent (When battle logging has been resolved), is people putting their hands up like they are giving up, but waiting the 10 seconds with them up!
  • When players are within a set distance (Say 100m?) delay before the player can log out should be INCREASED. Meaning being near someone takes longer to log out. This would help deter against a group of people all logging out in the same area, because if for some reason when they spawn in they get ambushed, they would have to fight it out. This would also help against people hiding in the jail and logging out in places like Balota Airfield.

          (^This could be exploitable, as the players could use it to check if someone is nearby)

  • After blood loss or bleeding occurs, player has an INCREASED delay before logging out. This could help if you are chasing someone and you pop them in the back, they don't just hide in a bush and are gone in 10 seconds.





I hope this has been thought about, and if it was brought up else where, I'm sorry for bringing it up again!





If anyone has any other little possible tweaks to solve the issue with battle logging, please post here!!!! :D

A simply 10 seconds timer to unlog should do it.

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Track players logging out because of seeing or hearing another player or zombie and punish them after a certain amount.

That's like tracking people who run away from other players, then slapping them with a punishment after they run away enough times.


I should have kept it simple, everyone logging out, regardless of if they are in combat or not: 30 seconds, if someone tries to log out to avoid combat(or, "combat log"), their character will remain stationary for 30 seconds, if they are not killed, handcuffed or knocked unconscious during that time, it can be considered that they "escaped".

If they log off in a safe place, like in the forest somewhere in a bush, its unlikely someone will find them within that 30 seconds.


Any "log off" punishments happen after the 30 seconds, if they were handcuffed or unconscious once the 30 seconds were up, they will die, even if it happens after the player actually left the game.


Simple, and I don't see any way to exploit it, but I am only one person, if someone else thinks of something, go ahead and share :)

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I didn't read what Dean said about combat logging but as I understand someone already said over me that there will be timer for logging but only if you are engaged in combat like if u get wounded or attacked then Rocket didn't understand combat logging completely...

I would like Dean to find solution for this http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=029tVmHHH_4

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That's like tracking people who run away from other players, then slapping them with a punishment after they run away enough times.

There's a vast difference between avoiding danger while remaining in game and avoiding danger by disconnecting. 

Edited by Shaun of the Dead

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1min log off timer, and if in combat (close to zombies / players) no logging out. Mods way is the right way.


It's that simple.

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I had solution by showing your name on public server and countdown of 15 second if u force alt+f4 you will lose all your equipment...

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I had solution by showing your name on public server and countdown of 15 second if u force alt+f4 you will lose all your equipment...


Losing equipment on disconection is stiupid becouse random disconection happens.


Player character dummy that stays in game for 2 minuetes if disconected via internet failure or "alt f4" is better, becouse if it was in combat with another player or zombie you will die and lose items, and if it was random somewhere in the forest you will not be punished for internet failure.

Edited by Frosti

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I didn't read what Dean said about combat logging but as I understand someone already said over me that there will be timer for logging but only if you are engaged in combat like if u get wounded or attacked then Rocket didn't understand combat logging completely... I would like Dean to find solution for this http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=029tVmHHH_4

There was a patch that added player death if you log out while handcuffed, that looked like it might have been before the patch, but if that happened now, he would be dead, add a "character remains in game for 30 seconds" mechanic, and even if he logged off before he got handcuffed, he would still end up dead(after the 30 seconds were up, since he is handcuffed, he would die, and should leave a corpse)

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Okay I have an idea and its one that has far greater implications than just combatting battle logging and could probably support and thread of it's own.

It's virtual currency. Similar mechanicaly to tf2's metal if you like, that had great value if found and be useable to buy items from other players.

How does this help battle logging? Simple.. if a combination or mix of commands are executed within a defined time frame prior to exiting, the game reads it as combat log and you forfeit your cash on disconnection, all of it no matter how much you have.

It would make you think twice before doing it and consider your actions more carefully (I think) ..

No doubt there will be plenty of robust opposition to my idea but hey, the guy wanted ideas OK.


Interesting, I'm going to leave that up to the dev team to decide if they want to implement a monetary system. I personally could see this working, but would not mind if it is left out. I'll add this to the list! :D



What's the alternative for Alt F4 combat logging or a variation thereof? Unless there's a way to detect how the client DCed. I'm no programmer so have no idea if that is even possible to detect. Seeing that DayZ does have a server/client architecture can it detect how a client DC's? This is a question that would nice to know the answer to.


Basically, it depends on how the devs programmed it. I couldn't tell you exactly their mechanics, as there could be numerous ways to handle client/server relationships, but they could do a few things such as leave your body in game (Even if the player is no longer connected, there is a dummy version of you left for the 10 seconds it would take to log). While, this could end up killing a few laggy players, I think overall it would help to dramatically cut down battle logging. 


Like I said though, I have no clue how the devs set up the client/server connection.



I hate to say this has been addressed only about a gajillion times but it has.  Rocket actually addressed this before the Alpha was released and said combat logging would be addressed with logout timers and damage cooldown, i.e. there's a cooldown timer before logging after taking damage within a certain length of time, whether you logout, alf-f4 or dc.  So it's an issue Rocket is fully aware of and has a plan to deal with.


For those who think that the game should discern between alt-f4'ing and dc'ing...why should it?  If you dc in the middle of a fight, you should expect to die...in pretty much any online game.


Since the Alpha was just released many features have yet to be implemented though.  Although, of all the game Alphas I've played despite the issues it has this has got to be the most buttpain-free Alpha I've played in like...ever.


Do you have links to him saying the above mentioned? I linked to Rocket saying they have mechanics to combat this, but there were no specifics. This thread is to come up with more possible solutions that have perhaps not been thought of.

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Do you have links to him saying the above mentioned? I linked to Rocket saying they have mechanics to combat this, but there were no specifics. This thread is to come up with more possible solutions that have perhaps not been thought of.


I'll have to see if I can dig it up, it was either from a twitch Q&A stream or one of those Reddit Q&As.

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That's my suggestions and thoughts on the topic anyway.



I like the ideas! Thank you for your input!



I didn't read what Dean said about combat logging but as I understand someone already said over me that there will be timer for logging but only if you are engaged in combat like if u get wounded or attacked then Rocket didn't understand combat logging completely... I would like Dean to find solution for this http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=029tVmHHH_4


As noted in my first post, there is a solution, but it is not put in game as of yet. They ARE working on it, and nagging them really won't speed it up any further. Though, don't get me wrong, I completely understand your frustration. -_-




Losing equipment on disconection is stiupid becouse random disconection happens.


Player character dummy that stays in game for 2 minuetes if disconected via internet failure or "alt f4" is better, becouse if it was in combat with another player or zombie you will die and lose items, and if it was random somewhere in the forest you will not be punished for internet failure.



I still love this idea! :D

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I'll have to see if I can dig it up, it was either from a twitch Q&A stream or one of those Reddit Q&As.


Appreciated. :)

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If there is no required log-out timer people are going to abuse it all day long.

People will just log out before a potential confrontation before combat has even started.

And this will in turn increase KoS, because people are just gonna shoot first instead of giving people a chance to do that.


And your suggestions also have a lot overly complicated ifs and buts, which is not a good idea when the devs are trying to keep the strain on the server as low as possible.


I'm sorry, but if your internet fails, your computer dies or for whatever other reason you really really need to go, then better hope nobody was shooting at you at the time.


I agree with you on this, only because the in game dummy ensures that the other player gets the loot, and the player that left gets what they deserve! :D

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