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Is there atually a way to identify murderers till now ?

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I was thinking maybe a little blood on their t-shirt ... or something like that .. That would be a good way to identify some murderer . 




Is there already a way to identify ? :huh:


Title spelling mistake sorry  :blush:

Edited by Starsandspace

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I personally thought a little subtle blood on the hands was a good choice, or clothes if they have gloves on Only viewable from fairly close, say 100 meters, or with binoculars. If you were a survivor just defending yourself from another survivor and got blood on your hands/clothes, then you could work it off by killing bandits.


I think i'd like to see a sort of story form with sides taken, where the military has quarantined all affected areas, such as Chernerus, and are killing everyone as a safety measure. Then made a deal with certain civilians to become mercenaries and kill everyone they encountered in exchange for guaranteeing proper living quarters, food, etc within a compound to be setup at a later date inside the affected areas. So you'd have certain military uniforms on some people at the outset and you'd have mercenaries in regular clothes vs. a civilian population of survivors all wearing red band around there arm or something. I wouldn't even mind one bit if the military guys got to start with a rifle, i say that as a survivor.

Edited by Thane

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