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Lost? Remember you're in Russian Territory

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So I come across a lot of people that are lost. Even if they are on a street or road, since I can read Russian I know where I am most of the time and help as much as I can. However for the benefit of all only english speaking DayZ players here is something that you can use if your too stubborn to use the DayZDB map. Just thought I would hit a point that doesn't get touched on yet everyone complains about it.


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So I come across a lot of people that are lost. Even if they are on a street or road, since I can read Russian I know where I am most of the time and help as much as I can. However for the benefit of all only english speaking DayZ players here is something that you can use if your too stubborn to use the DayZDB map. Just thought I would hit a point that doesn't get touched on yet everyone complains about it.


There's also a book you can find ingame for this :P

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You're not in Russian territory...*Facepalm*...You're in Chernarussian territory, two different countries

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You are in Northern Hemishpere, at Midday the sun will be directly south (towards the coast).

The sun will rise in the east and set in the west.

The sun is your compass, your memory is your map.

that's all I generally need (the new map mixes it up at times but I generally still know the land).

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ArmA is why I learned just enough to read Cyrillic and it helps a lot. Especially in the Standalone where it doesn't say where you are. It's not hard, it's very convenient, and it makes you a valuable part of a team if they lack a map or just aren't great navigators.

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