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[OUTDATED] DayZ: The Ultimate Loot Route

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Dunno about this loot track tbh.... I'm usually around balota, but carrying an M4, cammo and a Mosin buddy behind me @ least!. I dont think it's a place you want to be as a fresh spawn. (yes on an empty server it's fine of course, but do you really want to play the game "THAT" way?


My advice would still be to head inland, try to survive without encountering others. Find a pistol/shotty/lucky mosin before raiding the smaller prisons/camps for an M4 and cammo, and THEN maybe head out to airfields... Of course if you don't care about your freshly spawned char then go for it by all means, but the survivability of this route is very low, even on medium pop servers. 

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Imo this is pretty poor guide.. why would advice anybody to go Balota? It's a death trap _._

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