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People...WTF is wrong with you?

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Thats would be Cool. Belive me i wont gat on a PVP Server.

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Ok' date=' so firstly, I understand, that at this point, there is no real reason to team up with people, BUT, what just happened to me, is stupid, and pointless.

I spawned on the beach, started running for the nearest town, i just get into town, and get shot in the back with a shotgun, i dive for cover, get on direct chat, and tell whoever is shooting me, that i have just spawned, have no gear...they proceed to walk upto me, and shoot me while im proned, for what? my bandage and painkillers?

all they did, was force me to re-spawn somewhere else, they gained nothing...what's the point?

can someone please explain this mentality to me?


If this was Reddit, I'd say "get ready for the torrent of downvotes."

Succinctly put, this game is being played by teens and tweens who get most of their jollies off of the senseless murder of other players.

Just one more reason why this game is slowly going down the shitter unless Rocket and Bohemia add cooperative elements and incentives for leaving other players alone.

He wanted your bandages and painkillers obviously. Once i couldn't find any painkillers for a couple of days for some reason and my screen was shaking like mad' date=' I'd of shot you too for your starter gear. (meager as it was). It's nothing personal.


... or you could act like a fucking man and acquire them through more humane means, via the hospitals and supermarkets, among other places.

Seeing as Painkillers are some of the more frequently encountered items, and they spawn practically everywhere, you have no excuse for cutting short one player's life to get your fix.

Simply put, you're part of the problem.

Yes Night is broken, wasn't aware I was supposed to lose complete eyesight at night. Damn that is so realistic.

Actually, night time is pitch black when there are no light sources around.

However, for the sake of good gameplay, night time should not be this dark.

It's all about balance. :)

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DayZ is more like apocalypse hunger games then apocalypse survival.

You pretty much have to face this fact sooner or later

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Join normal servers. I find people are less likely to blast you when you can see their name. Not always the case but usually in mine.

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... or you could act like a fucking man and acquire them through more humane means' date=' via the hospitals and supermarkets, among other places.

Seeing as Painkillers are some of the more frequently encountered items, and they spawn practically everywhere, you have no excuse for cutting short one player's life to get your fix.

Simply put, you're part of the problem.[/quote']

Or I could just shoot you and take yours, saving me the trip and preventing me from potentially dying from a zombie or another player. Humane doesn't apply in this scenario, any preconceived notions you have that we have to play by a set of morals or rules is out the window. If my view is shaking like Michael J. Fox in a cement mixer, you're damn right I will kill to get them.

Simply put, it's part of the game.

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You know what i do when that happens to me? i am SPRINTING through the town, look for that bastard and try to die right in front of him, when he shoots, the zeds get aggro'ed, when he runs, zeds get attracted to him, when he waits, zombies will see him after munching on me

What did we learn today? dont fuck with people at the coastline

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Bet option is to play with some friends. People tend to avoid you if you are with 1 or 2 more people, or will want to team up with you.

Thats not to say that when i play with my buddies we don't make friends, see what you've got, then kill you to steal your shit/vehicle.. :P

All part of the uniqueness of this game and i love it. ANYTHING can happen.

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I got my first sniper kill of the coast today, actually, five kills just out of Electro, God it felt good and it was actually fun. Two were running, one of them was in the female skin as she running to Electro, one male skin as he ran along the tracks. Then two just standing there, and the third took a shot to the leg and started to crawl but was hit in the back.

It really is satisfying.

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Honestly we should collect the names of those who do things like this.

Create basically a bounty list of mass murders.

So players see their names on the server player list, they know to watch out or other players can go and hunt and kill these scum.

Now there is a reason to team up- hunt mass murder players who do things that make bandits go wtf !

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Due to the games popularity' date=' it has attracted more prepubescent tryhards than ever. They will kill anyone they see. Not to mention we have more little children roaming around because of TotalBiscuit. Rocket doesn't give a shit since he apparently wants the game to be VERY realistic. So realistic that he won't bother with zombie walking through walls and doors, fixing night time, making it so you don't die in a doorway, and the zombies having the brain capacity of Einstein to open doors, and know where you are most of the time. Ignore the raging hormonally imbalanced raging fanboys in the thread. They have plenty of posts sucking Rocket Cock on here.


the broken bones in doors thing is an arms 2 bug.

I've seen dogs that can open doors.

Nighttime is dark. What fix do you propose. Maybe he could add a super realistic second sun.

bitter hipster posts lamenting the alphaness of an alpha. well done.

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Because right now there is fuck all to do but PVP.

Zombies are never gonna be dangerous if Rocket doesn`t drastically change how they work.

The fact that you can tell there will be zombies 100% if you see a building' date=' the zombies take only about 3 hits to the body to kill, they are slow as shit indoors, etc.

They are not a threat.

Rocket will most probably keep on adding stupid shit like bigger zombie vision, better hearing, a million hitpoints and so on while still having the retarded AI. That will not make them dangerous, it makes them annoying to deal with.

There is zero atmosphere so even hiking is boring as shit.

There are no interesting places or set-pieces- Three big towns that look the same, 2 airfields that look the same and villages that look the same.I doubt the real Eastern Chernarus is just as boring and bland as the in-game one.

Real life is not this boring.

All major fighting is in only 3 places because that is where all the worthwhile loot spawns. There is no point going anywhere else. I have top gear and I have never gone anywhere but NWAF. I have been to all the towns and seen that there is absolutely no point in visiting them.

So yeah, nothing to do and the map is boring for a zombie game.


Then why do you continue to play? Sounds like the game holds no interest for you.

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I don't see why OP is so bothered, as I honestly wouldn't be if I was freshly spawned.

Guy was an idiot for shooting you, I wonder how much ammo he wasted on zombies after firing that thing thought :D

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I was in the fire station bandaging myself from a zed that droped off a roof and hit me when in the middle of bandaging myself a guy comes in and kills me. Oh well back up the coast again this time in another building and i get a direct communication from a guy asking if im a friendly. I tell him im reall low on blood and just trying to survive as long as i can. He offers to give me a transusion and then i give him one. we end up grouped and played together for awhile.

I mention this cause when i died the first time i didnt whine about it, i started again and tried to play a little smarter but i aslo didnt lose my "humanity" and kill every player i see, some people dont want to "just see the world burn".

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