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What is wrong with my character?

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As i was looting at the NE airfield i was standing in between 2 bunkbeds. All of a sudden my character starts moaning as if he is in pain. I have no idea why. There was no one there, no other player or zombie. My heatlh is at max, i'm not thirsty or hungry. I'm not sick either. There is nothing comming up in the console that would tell me something is wrong. Yet every minute or so my character starts moaning, sometimes saying: "F*ck that hurts".


Whats wrong with me???

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Did you heal wounds recently? Your wounds can get infected not handling them properly. I had something like that and didn't know what to do. I tried all sorts of things therefore  I do not really know what helped. Took antibiotics, ate alot of food, took lots of fluids etc. I began to get messages like "My wounds feel much better." something like that. After a while got a message that said they where healed. Don't know if it is the same thing though.......

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Did you heal wounds recently? Your wounds can get infected not handling them properly. I had something like that and didn't know what to do. I tried all sorts of things therefore  I do not really know what helped. Took antibiotics, ate alot of food, took lots of fluids etc. I began to get messages like "My wounds feel much better." something like that. After a while got a message that said they where healed. Don't know if it is the same thing though.......

No, i haven't been hurt since i last spawned.

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Have you try restart the game?

If you try it but still having msg It could be other problems

Once,I bleed my character starts moaning I, bandage my wound and my character still moaning after I restart the game,It stop.

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No, i haven't been hurt since i last spawned.



Are you sure about that? Anything can cause your character to start moaning, from what I have experienced. May that be because you're sick, you haven't been drinking / eating enough.

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I thought maybe i hurt myself from turning around when i was between those bunk beds. You know, hit my little toe or something. Anyway, reconnecting fixed the issue so thanks for the help  guys.

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Sometimes when you bleed a lot from whatever, even if you bandage yourself up you will still moan for a while.  Logging won't stop it.

Is your vision a little less clear?  This would indicate it is from blood loss too.

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I had this same moaning/groaning issue with no visible cause due to food or water.

I managed to stop it, I noticed the Raincoat I was wearing "Damp". Pretty certain my character was b******g out cause he was a bit cold..though in saying that I cant judge how cold one would be wearing a damp raincoat in Russia. Also as Hershal Green said, wounds need to be cared for. My friend recieved a wound, bandaged it with a rag he tore up from a ruined shirt (I think a pristine shirt may have avoided this, cannot be sure) his wound eventually got infected, as he did not change the bandage at all, I know it doesn't give and HUD notification as to this, but it's starting to seem that certain things like this are active at this stage.




**edited swearing

Edited by AJ4211

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