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Player Graveyard

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Was just thinking of maybe there can be a populated graveyard specific to an area...or maybe where a character has died living more than maybe...10 days? 15? This would occur periodically after the flies have had consumed the body.

I think it would be neat.

Putting your mouse over it you would see R.I.P "Player Name" from "Starting Date" till "Ending Date"

And a choice of a phrase depending on the morale of the player.

Good - He will be missed greatly...

Bad - A treacherous soul put to rest...

You get the idea! Like? Dislike?

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Awesome idea! Good luck to dev's implementing this into the game though.

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Awesome idea! Good luck to dev's implementing this into the game though.

My thoughts exactly. It is a great idea though, I approve sir! :D

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