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why only 40 players max in a server? When then mod could have more then 75?

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Im dont understand, why can the MOD have more players then the stand alone?


I like playing on high populated servers, interacting with human beings.


the map is way to big to only have 40 players.


if they made less players, they should have made a smaller map

Edited by humberto

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Im dont understand, why can the MOD have more players then the stand alone?



Because alpha.


Long answer: It is the same as with current state of zombies. They need to be optimised so that we can have 3 000 of zombies on server. So most likely game needs optimalisation to allow for 100 players on server.


Let's wait for start of January, folks will be back in work after Xmass, and we should be seeing regular updates again.

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Im dont understand, why can the MOD have more players then the stand alone?


I like playing on high populated servers, interacting with human beings.


the map is way to big to only have 40 players.


if they made less players, they should have made a smaller map



You are correct, you do not understand. 

To explain it simply. 

Mod - 75 players, game creates loot/zombies as the players move about and removes it after they leave the area. This leads to things like no zombies outside certain areas and "knowing" a player is nearby because zombies spawned 250m away. It keeps the load on the server low, but is not an ideal situation and can be abused for loot farming. Also the server dumps a lot of the work on the client but that allows things like scripting to work and lets people easily cheat.

SA - 40 players, game creates loot/zombies at server start and tracks it the whole time. Everything is server authenticated with a LOT of the work being done by the server to avoid cheating. So the server does a lot more work. In addition the game currently doesn't utilize multiple cores on the servers and is not even close to optimized as it is rather pointless when you are still reworking the core to tweak those things in anything other than very generic and high level ways. It will get better.

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I'm holding my breath for 150, like arma2. I really hope that the sale volume gains the team more R&D funding for new hires or equipment for developing/testing server and client optimizations 'cause 150 players in a private hive would make me so, SO happy.

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Im dont understand, why can the MOD have more players then the stand alone?


I like playing on high populated servers, interacting with human beings.


the map is way to big to only have 40 players.


if they made less players, they should have made a smaller map


Rocket has mentioned in the past that they were aiming for 150 player servers for the standalone.  It may end up being less than that.  Regardless, the Alpha was just released 10 days ago. 


If you're playing on a full or near full 40 slot server, there will be more than enough player interaction for the time being.  Want to make friends?  Just go to Balota or NWAF/NEAF.  But really...just go to Balota.  Happy party time fun guaranteed.

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Well last time I made a friend on Balota it was a bambi. Everyone else shot me or I shot him. :(

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They're using different servers then the mod I'm pretty sure for stability reasons cuz it's alpha, unless ofc you want the servers crashing 24/7.

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For me 40 on chernarus is just about right, can even feel a bit "busy" sometimes when you see survivors every few mins. My perfect population on a server is about 25-30, enough threat, but maintaining the isolated, apocotyptic feeling. I tried 75+ player servers on the mod, but it just felt like battlefield all over again, except you had to find a gun lol

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Not sure if 150 folks aint too much, but it will be definitely good, if game & servers can handle it. Then server providers can adjust number of max players I guess.


Also kinda cant wait for zombies to be properly done and to have promised number of 3 000 of them at server (some 300 in Chernogorsk). If they are done decently, it will make looting towns more interesting again.

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As others have said, it's purely for stability. It's the same reason there aren't huge loot tables right now or tons of zombies. More stability = easier to test the specific things they are doing because there would be less variables to worry about.

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For me 40 on chernarus is just about right, can even feel a bit "busy" sometimes when you see survivors every few mins. My perfect population on a server is about 25-30, enough threat, but maintaining the isolated, apocotyptic feeling. I tried 75+ player servers on the mod, but it just felt like battlefield all over again, except you had to find a gun lol


Thats only because the game does a piss poor job of forcing exploration.


While the coast feels populated just right with 40 people it is daam near empty up north.


Coastal spawns should be removed and all in land spawns.

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For me 40 on chernarus is just about right, can even feel a bit "busy" sometimes when you see survivors every few mins. My perfect population on a server is about 25-30, enough threat, but maintaining the isolated, apocotyptic feeling. I tried 75+ player servers on the mod, but it just felt like battlefield all over again, except you had to find a gun lol

You don't get away from the coast much do you?


Cause I can tell you for a fact that anywhere farther than 1-2 klicks from the southern coast and NWAF is a ghost town.

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Well dunno about that, I used to play private hives where 10 players was enough to have a good few engagements each night in various locations. Dont forget everyone is still finding there feet in SA so when everyone is used to surviving you will see a lot more population up north.


Edit - BTW im never on the coast lol. Its something that stuck from so many hours playing the mod. Get off the coast quick as and stay up north....acts as a buffer to keep you safe from players that just find a gun and shoot people till they die.

Edited by Karmaterror

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