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Annnnd character wiped :(

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Was it just me or was there a wipe today? Tried logging into my normal server, and at the bottom corner it said couldn't load my character and that it was reset. Then it loads the game with me at the coast and none of my gear :( 


If this wasn't a wipe then perhaps a known issue? Not trying to complain. (Alpha!)


Finally found that acog too (cries inside).

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It's a common issue apparently to do with a server's ability to remain connected to the hive. Also, some servers have not yet been "white-listed" and so they will not have permission to access the hive yet and will not store your progress (or be able to retrieve your data from the hive, so logging in to these servers will effectively "wipe" your character).


rocket discusses the issue here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155698-serious-database-issue-bug/


Here's the tracker issue: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=78


You should go there, vote it up and add comments about your own experiences to increase visibility on this relatively critical issue.



In the meantime, I suggest you use the "Favorites" function to flag servers which reliably store your progress, then only play there.

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I thinK we all have made a forum post like this now and again.



This bug needs fixed

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I thinK we all have made a forum post like this now and again.



This bug needs fixed



Sorry guys. Should have used the search function...



It's a common issue apparently to do with a server's ability to remain connected to the hive. Also, some servers have not yet been "white-listed" and so they will not have permission to access the hive yet and will not store your progress (or be able to retrieve your data from the hive, so logging in to these servers will effectively "wipe" your character).


rocket discusses the issue here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155698-serious-database-issue-bug/


Here's the tracker issue: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=78


You should go there, vote it up and add comments about your own experiences to increase visibility on this relatively critical issue.



In the meantime, I suggest you use the "Favorites" function to flag servers which reliably store your progress, then only play there.



Thank you for the detailed response! Should have done some more searching as this seems to be a larger issue.

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It's a common issue apparently to do with a server's ability to remain connected to the hive. Also, some servers have not yet been "white-listed" and so they will not have permission to access the hive yet and will not store your progress (or be able to retrieve your data from the hive, so logging in to these servers will effectively "wipe" your character).


rocket discusses the issue here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/155698-serious-database-issue-bug/


Here's the tracker issue: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=78


You should go there, vote it up and add comments about your own experiences to increase visibility on this relatively critical issue.



In the meantime, I suggest you use the "Favorites" function to flag servers which reliably store your progress, then only play there.

For some reason, I can't seem to favorite any servers, or even check my history. Do you know why?

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