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Update frequency?

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Is there any indication as to how often this game is going to be updated/patched?


I really don't mind the current state the game is in (as I am aware I am helping to support an early access alpha) and don't want to sound rude but given the game has been the best seller on steam since It's release day and after hearing statistics like it sold 200,000 in It's first 19hrs (also they have made a ton of money from people like me who have pretty much bought the game twice through already owning the mod). I am really expecting the updates to be coming thick and fast, that is a hell of a lot of support and money to be making and compared to other games that have had a lot less support they seem to average an updates every 3 weeks.


I understand It's the holiday season and the game has only been released just under two weeks but at the end of the day if you choose to release a game mid December you cant really use that as an excuse to leave it stale for a month.


As I said I'm not complaining but after the support from the community, not only financially but also from play testing and bug reports, I have to say I would be really disappointed if there wasn't an update by 6th Jan and one every 2-4 weeks following that...

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I've heard there's a patch coming out soon


How soon idk few days a week who knows ...


The second week will be much calmer. Most of the team members are going to take a well-deserved vacation week with their families, so please be patient with us for the much slower pace in the coming two weeks.



So somewhere in the next 2 weeks ;)

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There where already 3 updates released.


So keep calm. Or are you currently working while christmas? -.-


The most people think: "I bought the game, I gave you money, the game-programmers have to be my slave and have to work for me all day long." -.- Faggots.


When there is an update you will notice it, so keep calm, take a drink and wait.

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I really don´t get the point of your post.

There were 3 Patches in 2 days after the release of the SA and they all fixed serious problems in the game.

You say say you don´t want to complain, but whats the meaning of all the sentences behind your question then?^^


I can only guess, but I think all of the devs have workesd hard to release this game as a kind of ealry christmass gift for us and they deserve their vacation.

And I´m sure they will release the first patches soon after new year. I dont mind if they even take another 2 weeks. Qualitiy is more importtant than numbers...


I think you should just be patient. They know what they do. There WILL be updates soon, otherwise it would not make sense to start this alpha...

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When Rocket was developing the mod there were lots of updates. I hope that will carry over to the standalone.

Edited by bad_mojo

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there was a statement from rocket where he's talking about the update situation. i'm looking for it atm in the mean time u have to trust in what i'm remember.


patches will come daily, weekly, or similar. as soon as we get new progress. (if they are working... btw atm is christmas ;) )

Edited by SiSi

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Bought the game twise???

This one of the most idiotic statements anyone can make.

Edited by Zeppa

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From what I have heard, there will be a patch Friday (or possibly this weekend).. After that, the DayZ team is going to be on vacation for a while, so there will be a couple weeks (probably) where nothing happens.. After that, I am going to estimate there will be at least 1 patch a week. 2 patches if something goes wrong with the first patch, and only 1 patch every 2-3 weeks as development goes deeper and more content is completed.


Of course, this has not been stated by Rocket and is not official by any means.. It's only my best guesstimation and it sounds reasonable.

Edited by Etherimp

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How can you say that they have made a ton of money from people owning the mod? I bought ArmA II long before DayZ was made so the mod was just a bonus. Yes, most people bought ArmA II because of DayZ, but the money went to Bohemia Interactive, not Rocket. 

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There where already 3 updates released.

So keep calm. Or are you currently working while christmas? -.-

The most people think: "I bought the game, I gave you money, the game-programmers have to be my slave and have to work for me all day long." -.- Faggots.

Yes in the real world people work on Christmas or at most have 1 day off. Go back to middle school now kiddo.
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@Zuzivowo I am talking about Bohemia Interactive, of whom Rocket now works for and develops DayZ Stand Alone for. Please in future do your research.


@Zeppa By your comment I can just tell your a total obtuse full retard who It's not even worth arguing with

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Yes in the real world people work on Christmas or at most have 1 day off. Go back to middle school now kiddo.

That's true. This is ''creative'' work though. It's a littler bit different than working at a mall stocking shelves. Having said that I HOPE they hurry up everything they plan to attempt and just let us TEST it all like we're supposed to.

Edited by Highlander007

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