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Roaming Zombie after death

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So we all know it was a terrible idea being able to be a zombie after dying because of the dayz mod , but instead of just respawning or becoming a zombie after death I think it would be a great idea if your body , after dying, would turn into a zombie and slowly roam away . That way it would be a challenge to find your loot after dying , seeing as you wouldn't really get a second chance to go get your loot , this evens it out a bit . The zombie would leave a trail of visible blood behind ( only visible to whomever's body it is ) and when you find the zed that was formerly you , it would be the exact same person in zombie form and you'd have to kill him (you?) like any other zombie and after you kill you get your loot back . Lemme know what you guys think and your suggestions on this idea .

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Ahh yes I forgot about the uniqueness of day z's explanation of the zombie virus ... I wish they were traditionally undead zombies , this would be a fun idea to hunt your own corpse haha

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Ahh yes I forgot about the uniqueness of day z's explanation of the zombie virus ... I wish they were traditionally undead zombies , this would be a fun idea to hunt your own corpse haha

However, I think Rocket wants to go for realistic Zeds. But how would Voodoo zombies be in Eastern Europe anyway? lol

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Zombies must be undead. Look up the definition on merriam-webster.com. Even the voodoo explaination of Zombie has to do with being undead. Any real zombie fan would agree that Zombies most be reanimated corpses.


The idea of your body becoming a Zombie with your stuff on it is AWESOME! This must happen I will support this and push for it until it happens. Anybody reading this thread who agrees, please say that you support it and any suggestions

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i agree it is a awesome idea, maybe for the first part of development is that a zombie spawns where ever a player died im fine with only that :D

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Zombies must be undead. Look up the definition on merriam-webster.com. Even the voodoo explaination of Zombie has to do with being undead. Any real zombie fan would agree that Zombies most be reanimated corpses.


The idea of your body becoming a Zombie with your stuff on it is AWESOME! This must happen I will support this and push for it until it happens. Anybody reading this thread who agrees, please say that you support it and any suggestions

It's hardly original. It's been suggested plenty of times by Forum noobZ. Regulars don't want:

Copeh n' paste from AppleJaxc

Undead Zombies: Fast Zombies Are A Manifestation of The Zombie, As Are George A. Romero's Zombies. Rocket Prefers The Realistic Manifestation of The Zombie, I Rather Hope He Sticks With The Rage/Boyle Zombie.

Skill, XP, Leveling: It Doesn't Suit DayZ. This Isn't Skyrim.

Thx Apple


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Zombies must be undead. Look up the definition on merriam-webster.com. Even the voodoo explaination of Zombie has to do with being undead. Any real zombie fan would agree that Zombies most be reanimated corpses.


The idea of your body becoming a Zombie with your stuff on it is AWESOME! This must happen I will support this and push for it until it happens. Anybody reading this thread who agrees, please say that you support it and any suggestions


They aren't literally 'zombies', they're just given that name


The survivors are immune, so they cannot become infected. When you get an infection in the mod, it isn't the 'zombie' virus because you never turn into one

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It's ruff though , rage virus infected have got to be the worst in all of zombie media , their not truly as scary as the undead zombie depiction , just think about it if all of us are immune to this virus why is it even around anymore ? Shouldn't we have found a cure considering almost everyone in Russia is immune haha? Poking holes in theories aside this doesn't add any type of experience system leveling or skill system so I personally don't know what the King Kong kid is talking about ... Oh well time to suggest more ideas that long standing dayz mod players won't like ;)

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If they aren't undead then they are not ZOMBIES! 28 days later is not a zombie movie, real zombie fans will never consider them zombies. The definition of Zombie has changed to an animated corpse, this is fact.


I agree with Grapefruit Kush. This should be a zombie game not a rage virus game. Rage virus wouldn't get very far because of the short incubation period, a person with rage couldn't travel far enough and infect enough people before turning to spread the virus. Plus, one person with an immunity is all we need for a cure and we have 40 per server. So the rage virus is just as unrealistic as ZOMBIES. If everything that died turned into a ZOMBIE that would be a scary world, and make perfect sense for a game like this. 


The current story has holes and doesn't go well as a video game. Right now the infected need to be harder to kill to balance the game. Making them take many more hits than a normal person or making headshots only count would play make people cooperate more. Then it would only make sense that they are undead (ZOMBIES!).


Zombies are far more popular then people infected with rage(which is a joke), make this a ZOMBIE game!!!


The idea of our corpse becoming reanimated with out stuff walking around would be a great gameplay mechanic.

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If they aren't undead then they are not ZOMBIES! 28 days later is not a zombie movie, real zombie fans will never consider them zombies. The definition of Zombie has changed to an animated corpse, this is fact.


I agree with Grapefruit Kush. This should be a zombie game not a rage virus game. Rage virus wouldn't get very far because of the short incubation period, a person with rage couldn't travel far enough and infect enough people before turning to spread the virus. Plus, one person with an immunity is all we need for a cure and we have 40 per server. So the rage virus is just as unrealistic as ZOMBIES. If everything that died turned into a ZOMBIE that would be a scary world, and make perfect sense for a game like this. 


The current story has holes and doesn't go well as a video game. Right now the infected need to be harder to kill to balance the game. Making them take many more hits than a normal person or making headshots only count would play make people cooperate more. Then it would only make sense that they are undead (ZOMBIES!).


Zombies are far more popular then people infected with rage(which is a joke), make this a ZOMBIE game!!!


The idea of our corpse becoming reanimated with out stuff walking around would be a great gameplay mechanic.

Obvious fool is obvious.  They aren't Rage zombies. Just because Romero had people walk around and groan and eat people doesn't make them zombies. Perhaps a manifestation of th zombie, yes, but true zombies, NO. If we had slow zombies, that would only turn the game into WarZ. You wouldn't be scared when you heard that scream, only to see 6-8 infected charging down the street at you. If it was Undead, it'd be like fighting old men. No one would team up or run for their lives. Old men/women shuffling around isn't scary. Even in a horde. You'd just hear a be like "Oh, ok I'll just finish up my looting and jog to the next town".I could see Romero zombies being a choice for Private Hives if they were added. But don't get your hopes up. Rocket wants a realistic "Zombie" game.




It's ruff though , rage virus infected have got to be the worst in all of zombie media , their not truly as scary as the undead zombie depiction , just think about it if all of us are immune to this virus why is it even around anymore ? Shouldn't we have found a cure considering almost everyone in Russia is immune haha? Poking holes in theories aside this doesn't add any type of experience system leveling or skill system so I personally don't know what the King Kong kid is talking about ... Oh well time to suggest more ideas that long standing dayz mod players won't like  ;) 

Fuck sake. It's not Russia. It's not as easy as you think to develop a cure for a Virus/Parasite. You need trainig, equipment, proper environment conditions to keep the thing alive and prosperous. Also think how many survivors there are in the Republic of Chernarus alone. 500? 1000? How many of them would have the training, supplies and mind state to want to capture an infected and experiment on it? Half of them are being killed off by people, infected, starvation and plague?

P.S: I think you created multiple accounts to vote up your idea

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