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My Second Day In Day Z SA

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Day Z - Day Two 


We spawned in the right place, which was a good start if you ask me. 

We both climbed on down the latter and took point. We wrapped around 

were the hell we were and where we were going to head to next. I told 

him that we should head on back down to the town to see if we will 

run into the Rangers once again to trade some of the crap we found in 

the military base with them. 

He agreed 


We headed on down to 

the town. While we walked I suggested that we should stick in the 

forests and scout the town at first, for there was a lot more people 

on than there was yesterday, making the town a bit more of a threat 

even with the rangers lurking around the place. We took a left into 

the forests that was adjacent to the town. As we ran towards the city I saw a figure off in the town, I yelled to him to get down and 

that I saw a man walk into one of the homes. We were both proved and 

city I saw a figure off in the town, I yelled to my friend to get down and 

slowly crawling to the edge of the cliffs thing to see if we can 

lay eyes on the fucker. We didn't plan on killing him, because I 

ain't no bandit who kills poor fresh spawns or anything. 


I just told 

him we should watch the town until we see him leave. We watched the 

town for about 2 minutes and didn't see the guy. We both got 

impatient and just crouched our way down the town. 

We both didn't 

have any ammo, and  that's about the only reason we didn't just walk 

on down there like a couple of badasses. We crouched on down into the 

home that we thought we saw him in. 


We looked around bit, to no 

avail. The guy must have skittered off. The both of us were starving 

at the time, so we split up and went to go find some food around the 

town a bit. We found one canned beans, I decided we'd ration it. We 

both take three bites and leave the last bite until we found some 

more food. 


He said alright, I took three bites, dropped it, and he 

took three bites. After looting the town, my friend said it'd be a 

good idea to head to the airstrip right near the town near Cherno for 

some ammo for the both of our guns. I told him, sure, but since we 

have no guns we should head up to the trees to scout the place out 

first, than if we see a guy, we don't enter but if it looks clear, we 

go on in. We went off away from the town into the forests towards the 



 After around 5 to 10 minutes of walking we hit the town 

near Cherno. After the walk the both of us were absolutely starving. 

Instead of walking to the air field we stopped at the town. My friend 

said he swore he saw a played down to the right and he was going to 

go try to rob him. I hear my friend yell :Give me all your stuff!" I 

told him you have no damn ammo and a wrench how are you possibly 

going to rob him. 


I turn and look over at the barn, and my friend is 

being punched. I run over with my axe and hit the guy in the back of 

head, I said over the microphone "You can go, run, now. This is 

your chance to escape." He continued to punch my friend, so I put my 

axe into his head a couple more times and he dies. I told him how I 

really didn't even want to kill the poor bastard, why did you even 

try to rob him. We shrugged it off and headed back into the town to 

try to find some more food. 



After about five minutes or so of looting 

the town we find two canned food. Enough for the both of us to last 

for a while. We munch up, and I tell him "Well... Let's go the 

airfield!" We walked down straight into the front entrance of the air 

field, it wasn't the most stealth way but we managed. Towards the 

front of the air field (where we were at) there is around 5ish 

Barracks, we stood together and looted the five of em. We didn't find 

anything but some jeans and a combat helmet, which we didn't take 




 We prone'd down and I explained to him how we will run for the 

prison area next to the hangers before the hangers themselves. He 

shook his head and we counted down from 3 and zig zag ran to the 

prison area. I told him, you take the downstairs I'll go up. He 

checked the down stairs quick, finding nothing. I went upstairs with 

my axe in hand ready for anything. I slowly made m way up, I raised 

my axe, wand walked into the first and only room. There was player. I 

freaked out and yelled to my friend "PLAYER" and hit him with my axe. 

THe moment I hit with the axe he combat logs. I sighed and looked 

around the room. 



All I found was a big blue backpack with nothing in 

it. I let it be seeing as I already had one. I told my friend that the bitch combat logged and that there was nothing upstairs, and we should just head to the hangar. We exited the prison and into the first hangar, in the first hanger is where we found another player. He was armed with just a shovel and a backpack. We pulled out our guns and said we were friendly and we weren't going to hurt him as long as he didn't do anything stupid. 


He said he just spawned and he only has a shovel. I told em he can live, but he has to leave the airstrip, and if we saw him here while we were here we would kill him. He said aright and made his way out of the airstrip.


 I walked further into the inside off the hanger, I looked around and saw some 5.67 (or something like that) ammo. I yelled to him "I found some M4 ammo for your gun!" He ran on inside and picked it up, I continued the scale the sides of the hanger. When I got to the far right towards the back I found a box of rifle ammo, which I didn't even realise it was ammo for gun yet. When we both exited and went to the other hanger, my friend yelled "Player!" I ran on outside and the guy ran inside. My friend raised his gun and we slowly made our way to the air traffic control tower. 


We tried to talk to him saying things like "We don't want to hurt you, put the gun down, don't do anything stupid." We slowly made are way up, I was pointing things out like "Watch the windows, he could take us out easily." We entered the tower it's self and stopped. I told my friend "If he has a gun, there is no letting the guy live. He's a threat."


 I told the guy in VIOP "Alright, we are coming up. We wont kill yeh." We walked up annnnnnd he combat logs. I of corse went "DAMNIT! We could have gotten some decent loot if the guy would have shot at us." All there was in the tower was another backpack, ut blue instead. We exited the tower and went inside the next hanger. 


As we walked into the front of a tower a shot fly past my guy's head and hits the hanger. I scream "GUNFIRE GO GO GO", a couple more shots were fired, and I was hit twice. We run into the hanger, and took cover. I took advantage of the cover and bandaged my self. Shots are being fired all over the place and we have no idea where the hell the shots are coming from. 


My friend reloads his guns and goes prone and tries to find the guy. A couple more shots are fired and one or two of them hit my friend. He runs down over to me and drop him two bandages. While he waits for them to spawn in, he takes a few pot shots at the bandit, he said a couple of bullets him. The bandages spawned in and he patched him self. 


He kept his gun up, and the shots stopped. We sat in the hanger for about two minutes before deciding that it's good to leave. We thought he also Combat Loge which is most likely the case because he just went poof and there was no body. We ran out of the airport and into the nearby warehouse. I told him are you injured at all, he said e was shot once but the bandaged helped. We shut the door, and I explained to him how I see black and white. 


I knew from out last trip out near the military base where we met the ranger there was the hospital where I found the saline bad, and in the Med Pack he had there was a Iv start kit. I told him, I'm injured more and that he should heal me with the saline bag. He said alright, handed me the IV starter kit, I created the Saline IV, and handed it to him. Right as he was about the use it on me, the server crashed, and we just stopped there.



I'll continue my story about my travels the more we play,

Excuse and grammatical errors and such I didn't read through it extensively to find grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes
Edited by irichey25
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