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Chernarus Police Department

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Should change your title tho "Chernarus bandit and dude trying do be a boss but no one agree with him then he pissed and shot every shit department"

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Should change your title tho "Chernarus bandit and dude trying do be a boss but no one agree with him then he pissed and shot every shit department"

Oh shit! You mad tho ?

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camp/server hop much? loot on the ground in the building changed every 'clip' you got compiled together there... you are a no skill poofter (IMHO). No entertainment value here.

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Says the kid with a Minecraft picture as is avatar.

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Alex chill out a bit. This is not a forum where you can behave call people kids etc. Does it matter if you have minecraft, gay unicorns or other stuff on your avatar?




BelMardok is it wrong that he compiled clips? Quite obvious that when you kill people in the area you need to change server to find new ones. 




In my opinion there was far too much pointless killing. You could have found some cuffs and play with people. You could feed them rotten food or dirty water, leave them nothing and release them. And the stupid moments when you see a guy and shoot him on sight      :facepalm:



Standalone is giving you a choice not to kill on sight and you dont use it. We seen it all in the mod already, so its not particularly entertaining to watch. Im hoping to see better vids from you though.

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strange music :D but killing all those bambis in the beginning zone is not really necessary.

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Well MOST of the people we killed was for a reason, they didn't cooperate. Except one guy, he didn't had food on him, had to execute him for failing to provide me with those items.

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They aren't called Chernarus Police Department, They aren't armed with western weapons, and they don't fire# upon unarmed people. Camper/Server hoppy detected

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No imagination used in this video just some guy and his buddie pretending to be coppers without any flare, Find cuffs, roleplay a little bit, mindless butchering at Bolata is a yawnfest now get some actual material, Square off against other organised groups.

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LOL, all the butthurt people in this thread. :) The videos were shot on 3 days so ya'll should keep your shit comments for yourself.


I'm LMAOing at your lifes.

Edited by K9Alex

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I don't see shit comments i see opinions, If your too butthurt to take some pointers and criticism then why did you post your sub par boring video in the gallery?

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oh wow u are mad , no one hears about u AND u just shoot on sight , really bad . learn to play this game , or play counter strike ..... 

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How come all these videos are of bandits executing unarmed players? Pussies. Show me a real gun fight, not a hopper in Balota killing fresh spawns.

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U don't have to be mad at people pointing this out. Putting a PD tag on a vid doesn't make it better then a bandit  :P

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They aren't called Chernarus Police Department, They aren't armed with western weapons, and they don't fire# upon unarmed people. Camper/Server hoppy detected

^^ This.

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i like the video and laugh at the end, if you want to kill someone kill him dont worry for all the kids crying because you kill unarmed people

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Well in case the dumbasses in this thread didn't notice yet, the "Police" title was sarcastic... lol, kids sometimes.

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