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darksoul (DayZ)

Can't play DayZ due to the fact that iam trapped in a wall

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I think everyone faced this problem at least once no matter in mod or SA. But in mod you were able to respawn whenever you want to. Now I am trapped in Zeleno close to garages in one of the buildings and can't kill myself.

I really want to play again but i don't know whom i should ask for help? Screens:




I laid down here to hide http://clip2net.com/s/6sKpFH and suddenly appeared in the building.

Same thing already happened to me in electro school a few times but due to the bug that allows you to climb stairs through the walls i was able to get out.


So umm is there any way for me to get out ? I tried run in all the walls but it didn't helped.

Edited by darksoul

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I don't know buddy, starving to death I think is your only choice. Leaving your game on while you have Christmas lunch.


Also this would be a great trolling opportunity, just start moaning like a zombie when players get near or try and hold them up lol

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Switch servers and then run/vault through the wall before the game finishes loading you in - while you are still on the waiting for host/receiving screen buildings won't actually be loaded in so you can run through them. You may need to try a couple of servers before it works but you will be able to hear the grass/earth footsteps etc as soon as you have made it out.

Edited by SmashT

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Yep a lot of people are experiencing this. Expected to happen during Alpha stage. You can alt - tab and wait half an hour till hunger kills you.

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The game glitched you in, It can glitch you out


this happened to me before, i started swinging at the wall in despiration to get out and to my suprise it worked, so you still have a chance

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I've been trapped within houses on 3 occasions eventually you can glitch out of them....


Either via laying downing/rolling and trying to push your body back through the wall worked twice.


The other time i would crouch walk up to the wall and lay down, That movement got half my body out and enabled me to crawl out.


I guess iv'e been lucky although persistent ;)

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Thats happend to me once thank god player pushed me into wall at airfield n was trapped I run about like a mad man in vaulted out into the room i should have been in

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Use this opportunity to troll people via direct ;)

No but seriously this happened to me just keep pressing v and prone then run, I got out in like 5-10 mins

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1. Try different server, usually fixes glitch spots

2. Read the rest of the crap suggested on here

3. Maybe try deleting your character in the dayz folder found in your documents. (No idea what this would do)

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