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Fishing and Boats - bad or good idea?

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What do you guys think about going to fish or finding abandoned boats to be part of the dayz standalone surviving, do you think this is good idea? and what kind impact would have on this game? would people abuse boats?

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I think finding small fishing boats would be a cool idea.  I actually did not think about it until you made this thread :)


If the boats are small enough to not create a base at sea then I say have at it.   I would think that maintaining the boat would be a royal PITA, but all the power to ya.

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I like the idea of fishing, but boats not that much. The map is mostly land anyway.

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Fishing and boats most likely be added... Just watch out for Jaws ok ;)


iM59Sty.jpg            <<<<< Swim safe ;)

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There just has to be option so you can shoot from boat to boat, so you can hunt people down on sea.

Edited by Frosti

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I like the idea of fishing, but boats not that much. The map is mostly land anyway.

Exactly what i thought, there is only one place on the map where you would be able to use them really since all the rest of the lakes are so small.

I like the idea but i dont think it would be all that useful

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Boats were sweet in the mod. It used to be awesome fun ripping down the coast line with 3 guys all kitted up in a PBX speedboat at like 80mph.

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I think fishing would be useful for cooking and people would fish for food supplies...

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Well I guess they're going to add boats anyway since they probably have the code and assets already in place, even if it means redoing them somewhat. Also, if they're gonna add Utes, swimming there will probably not be a valid option every time.


As for fishing, sounds like a great idea, as long as it is realistic somewhat.

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