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Pain0815 (DayZ)

2 or 3 diffrent chats and voice chats instead of one.

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I Ike to see more diffrent voice chat channeIs.

whisper (1-2m range)
normaI speach (chat we have now)
shout (a bit more range)

So you can taIk tactics to your random buddies if sourrounded without getting heard by others ciose around and shout to pIayers a bit more away if needed.


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Erm..The chat pretty much works this way atm doesnt it? The closer you are, the better others can hear you...So basically if you whisper to your Mic only ppl right beside you should be able to hear you....


Making it 3 different chats would be just stupid..Because if someone was talking to you, you wont be able to tell if he's ''breatin on your back'' or is 10 meters away.

Edited by OntyCZE

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nope you cant whisper to someone in a buiIding without get heared cIose outside

Edited by Pain0815

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Arma 2 already have this system, but even if you whisper(in real life) the players around you, can still hear like some sound so they can tell there is someone around but they can't understand what  you are saying if you whisper

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I actually really like this idea that you could shout and everyone in a radius in a valley could hear you. Would be difficult to implement though, also I think the chat messages need some sort of notification or sound when someone says something otherwise it's just a silent text hanging in the left side of the screen as opposed to talking through a headset, doesnt have as much impact.

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