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Just bought the game on Steam

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Don't trust anyone.

Try to stick to the shadows and don't draw attention from yourself.

Get some basic loot on the coast then head north for better loot, get out of the coast as quickly as possible.

Welcome to the wasteland :).

EDIT: 600 posts :D

Edited by Kevsta545
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Don't trust anyone.

Try to stick to the shadows and don't draw attention from yourself.

Get some basic loot on the coast then head north for better loot, get out of the coast as quickly as possible.

Welcome to the wasteland :).

EDIT: 600 posts :D


Thanks already found lots of guides :)


and congrats on 600 posts :)

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if you can, avoid everyone. 

Look on the forums for a group to join


 If you are interested I am in a clan that is recruiting, you can go here to fill out an application http://www.clanaod.net There is usually several of us always on and in a group.

We are always trying to help each other out and the more the merrier right?

and you can always add me onto your steam friends Steam ID: AOD_Samiam_Jr

Edited by Samiam_Jr

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Once you get a gun or some sort of weapon.


Try Kill people and get a taste for it..... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Welcome to Dayz And the dark side^^ Join us we have cookies ;)


Preferably i break the victims legs (Axe recommended Once trust is gained ;)  )

Then bandage to stop the bleeding

Then i feed them a bottle of disinfectant :D They love that part^^^

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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