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Saul Weinstein

The game isn't hardcore enough.

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The game is far too easy...

1. You start the game two miles off of the coast. If you make it, good for you, if not, too bad.

2. If you reach land, you must find food immediately or die, but when you do you immediately vomit it up because your stomach is not used to the sustenance.

3. You have a chance twist your ankle and severely slow your travel by running through thick brush/the woods/running down/up hills.

4. One hit by a zombie you're done. Realism bro.

5. Guns can jam, and they do, all of the time.

6. Canned food has a chance to give you botulism.

7. Canned soda has a chance to explode in your face and cause temporary blindness.

8. You have a chance to get sick every time you drink water from a non filtered source.

9. Get rid of zoom and 3rd person.

10. If you die it's game over, the game uninstalls itself and your IP is blocked from all servers. One game, one life. Hardcore. Deal with it newbs.

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10. If you die it's game over' date=' the game uninstalls itself and your IP is blocked from all servers. One game, one life. Hardcore. Deal with it newbs.


I'd like to see this added. It's just like getting killed in real life! I can already just taste the tactical immersion :)

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8/10 - A solid mockery of the current state of the forums but you only said "realism" once which totally killed the immersion so I'm going to have to dock you 2 points.

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Once you die in-game you have to kill yourself in real life, preferably in the same fashion as you bought-in in DayZ...

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If you look at a zombie you shit yourself in terror... which the zombie detects and aggros you.

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Regardless of my previous mockery of the mod/community. I just want to say that I love this mod and wish it the best in all of its envevors, I think/hope it is a major bellwether of the gaming world. I just don't want the community to be the death of it.

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If you drink and eat you have to go to the bathroom and remember Zombieland Rule #3....

If you go in the forest, don't choose the wrong leaves.....

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Good point. When you urinate it should attract zombies, when you poo it should require some sort of paper or else you risk infection. Harcore. Deal with it newbs.

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Also, if you die, go find an oven and put your head in there until you're as orange as Snooki.

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patch out the weapons.....bring in the tornados.....the tsunamis everything.....lets have a zombie apocolypse catalysm wtf i dont know.....

dont know if your post is serious ?

but hey....real life can be a bitch so let the games be one to or what ? no thanks

ohhh i forgott.......DEAL WITH IT NEWBS

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Now' date=' whenever i go to my local corner shop i crawl


Me too! I was crawling to the store the other day in my gilli suit with an M-14, a .45, and a few hits of morphine...the cops in my town have no sense of humor.

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At first I thought you were serious and when I read this I realized you were making fun of the hyper-realism people so commonly found on the forums. +10

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If entering a delapidated building there is a small chance it falls on your head when you open the door.

When carrying fuel with a lit flare, being shot can end up immolating you.

Chicken coops should have zombie chickens (or real chickens and eggs).

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Add sleeping mechanics into the game. Bunkering down for the night and hoping you wake up alive in the morning, and passing out due to lack of sleep needs to be added ASAP.


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