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@ Beginners..no gun start is not impossible

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I had a much more enjoyable experience starting without a gun then with.

Especially when I get friends to play for the first time, choose a night time server and tell them to meet me north of cherno :)

The stories and sounds they make are funny as hell......

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Actually i think doing a Usain Bolt impression is fine when you first spawn,

In fact i think its the best thing you can do, run, find a weapon and survival gear, out maneuver the zed train you got.

Run to the woods and become solid snake...without the hours and hours of cinematics of course :).

Running is just going to get you shot or killed by zombies, just saying. I doubt that anyone could do that on there first try in the game.

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I found 2 guns within 10 minutes of my first game. I had to sneak into a barn past a few zeds. I managed this despite having zero 'sneaking past zeds' experience. I think that starting weaponless is a crucial part of the story arc, where a little patience is soon rewarded by the discovery of your first viable weapon and the game is so much richer for that.

As gamers we have become too accustomed to devs trying to flatter us with the mentality of 'you, the gamer are important. You're the saviour of the world. Be the Master Chief, be 007, have a billion hit points and an enchanted battleaxe +2 (+999999 vs undead) WE LOVE YOU now buy our game. And its identical sequel '

How often in games do we start washed up, hungry scared and alone and no stronger than the average environmental enemy? There's countless 'tough guy' emulators out there. There's only 1 Day Z.

to tell the truth this game delivers a very similar experience to AAA games, albeit a bit less forgiving (permadeath) you eventually are able to storm through any PvE content like a breeze and it's not that hard to reach that point after some experience in the game, thus why PvP is the only thing left to do for everyone who's gotten a NVG and a GPS... which reminds me of WoW to a certain extent

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5. Slow down, Think.

Best advice ever.

Also, be human. Real people in this situation wouldn't immediately shoot each other in the face. That falls under 'going for a leet kill' category.

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to tell the truth this game delivers a very similar experience to AAA games, albeit a bit less forgiving (permadeath) you eventually are able to storm through any PvE content like a breeze and it's not that hard to reach that point after some experience in the game, thus why PvP is the only thing left to do for everyone who's gotten a NVG and a GPS... which reminds me of WoW to a certain extent

Whilst I do agree with this, even the most tooled up players are vulnerable, the most experienced can be felled by an unlucky bullet, then it is a start from scratch scenario. Sure the veteran knows how to build up from this position pretty quickly, but at least your prorities change again, and you get the chance to 'level up' again, little victories for the win :)

Edited by kander

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So long as you can just sprint past a horde of zombies, lead them into a building, pick up a hatchet and mash their brains into a pulp without getting hurt (which is pretty much the case now), I don't really give a crap about starting with a gun. If, on the other hand, they ever manage to make the zeds dangerous (particularly indoors), then I would probably feel differently.

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I got started with Day Z AFTER they removed the spawning with guns, and I have to say I like it this way a lot and found it to be extremely exciting. Sure I died the first 4 spawns rather quickly as I learned the ropes, but once I figured out how to move around without being spotted I was a fine for a good 10 hour character until I broke my legs closing a door on myself.

If they gave me a gun from the beginning I think it’d take away from the intensity of those first few minutes, and you don’t really learn how to carefully approach settlements. However I do think they need to give you a way to defend yourself, so as a compromise I’d like to see you start off with a hatchet or something. If anything a hatchet is more important early on.

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haha! this thread is funny and worth reading as a new player.

but if i follow your logic, then i will be stuck in an infinite loop reading steps 1 - 6, and never be able to read step 7.

if i was real hardcore, i would be stuck reading your memo for the rest of my life. :P

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1. Run north until you see a deer stand or barn.

2. Repeat until armed.

3. ???

4. Profit.

You don't even need to use a map for this.

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